(Side note: I love Tangled Up in Blue Guy’s quote rotator. It goes to fast to be able to actually read most of the quotes, but the last three I just saw wizzing by were, in order, by Greg Laden, PZ Myers and Charles Darwin. Brilliant.)
(Side note: I love Tangled Up in Blue Guy’s quote rotator. It goes to fast to be able to actually read most of the quotes, but the last three I just saw wizzing by were, in order, by Greg Laden, PZ Myers and Charles Darwin. Brilliant.)
Of course, the typo pretty much ruins your anonymity. You know, the bit you had left after posting it on your blog.
My spell checker does not work on scraps of magazine print.
Wouldn’t have caught this one anyway.
kidnappers never use puntuation
I know. That wasn’t the typo. “all [t]he money”Don’t mind me. I’m just giggling at the idea of a kidnapper looking for a backspace key in his paste pot.
Kidnapper only wants he money. She money bad for this sort of thing.
I will comply with your demands, but if there is one scrratch I will hunt you down.You don’t want to know what could happen.I am going to look for a new rotator plugin. This one doesn’t have time delay settings.(No calls to Africa please.)
(No calls to Africa please.)ooops…
I really hope y’all had a great time last night.:)Kisses
W/o you, it was a good time, not a great time.
I think you’ve discovered the document that inspired Wired’s unique look.
Mike, I tried to invite Janie, but that’s a long way even for margaritas. She did send some of those kisses, though, which I completely failed to deliver. My fault entirely.
Mike, that is the sweetest thing anyone has said to me all day.Thank you.No worries, Steph. There will be another time, and I will deliver them in person….with interest.Kisses
You just say when you’re going to be in town, Janie. We’ll round them up for you.