Retraction: Clinton will stay in race after tonight.

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You may have noticed that in my previous post I tried to equivocate and I gave the story right from AP as a big quote. This is because I could not reconcile what I was reading internally. It did not make sense, and I suspected that the press was just trying to bring the campaign to a close. This is based not just on what I posted, but what I watched for 10 minutes on MSBNC.Turns out my caution was appropriate:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is “absolutely not” planning to concede the campaign to Barack Obama on Tuesday night, Clinton campaign chairman Terry McAuliffe told CNN on Tuesday”No one has the number to be the nominee of the Democratic party right now,” he said.McAuliffe, asked about an AP report that Clinton will acknowledge Tuesday night after the South Dakota and Montana primaries that Obama has the delegates to clinch the nomination for the November presidential election, replied: “They are 100 percent incorrect.”source

Hat Tip Mike

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3 thoughts on “Retraction: Clinton will stay in race after tonight.

  1. But it was so believable!I fully expect Hillary to never, ever go away gracefully. She will make something less than a full concession, and keep the avenue open well after the delegate count has been reached by Obama.Tacky!

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