The Earth Hour, that is!March 29th is Earth Hour Day. From 8pm to 8pm in your local time zone, you are to switch off the lights and stuff.A number of astronomers out for an early evening look at the stars will thank you, and the Earth will thank you.More details here.
In Search of Sungudogo by Greg Laden, now in
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8pm till 8pm is awfully short time, methinks 😉
An hour as of 8pm. So that would be 8pm to 9pm, right? 🙂
OH, ok, we’ll do it until 9. I just so much did not want to be inconvenienced in any way…Yes, 8 to 9 local time, wherever you happen to be.
Perhaps an irrelevant aside but I can’t help wondering what all our ‘light pollution’ does to the Circadian Rhythms of everything from birds and bats to trees and gnats!
Um, we did it here (Israel) about two days ago. It went well.
We had a great earth hour. Read aloud a short story by Theodore Sturgeon by candle light.