Myers and Dawkins Speak Out on Expelled Expulsion

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This little video, very nicely done, should be shown in all social studies classes in America, discussed at length, and it should be on the exam. From now on.Source: Richarddawkins.netLord Privy Seals All The Way Down … arf arf.See also:PZ Myers Expelled, Gains SainthoodExpelled! The Movie To Be Pulled From Theaters Following Myers/Dawkins-Gate Screwup

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10 thoughts on “Myers and Dawkins Speak Out on Expelled Expulsion

  1. It was interesting to hear that Expelled used the Harvard/xvivo video clips — wonder if they needed permission to use them, and if so, I wonder if they got permission. (And if they got permission, whadya wanna bet that they misrepresented themselves and the intended use of the clips when they asked?)

  2. Just as a guess, they asked to use those clips before, were refused permission, and did so anyway – even re-dubbing one of them. That wouldn’t make _me_ want to give them permission to use them for something else. And since their original announced plan was to release the movie on Feb. 12, 2008, to cause a big splash on Darwin’s birthday, perhaps soome belated awareness that they can’t just _use_ other people’s videos has penetrated their dim consciences.

  3. This video demonstrates exactly what the film is trying to convey. They are attempting to discredit the film by attacking the makers instead of letting people see the film and decide for themselves. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

  4. This video demonstrates exactly what the film is trying to convey. They are attempting to discredit the film by attacking the makers instead of letting people see the film and decide for themselves. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

  5. SAS, Dawkins and Meyers are hardly preventing people from seeing the movie. In fact their involvement in this little video will likely have the effect of boosting the movie’s turnout by way of increasing media presence.Dawkins and Meyers both have a sense of humor and they realize that the most interesting and hilarious aspect of the event was the hypocrisy of being expelled from a movie called “Expelled.”Finally, Scientists actually don’t usually attack the proponents of ID, they usually just criticize the ridiculous nature of ID itself. The thing is, when someone’s ideas are so flawed that their flaws are easy for anyone to see, there is no temptation to resort to ad hominem attacks.So lets see, does “Expelled” attack evolution, or does it merely resort to attacking the evolutionists?

  6. Wow, how blind can people get. This video is two guys talking about an outrageous event (being expelled from a film supposed to be about being expelled for “your ideas”), and still someone has the guts to say that this video demonstrates what the film is trying to convey?! After watching so much of the creationism defenders in blogs, videos and so on, I know already what this things (creationism and its disguise as ID), are all about. Pure propaganda, arrogance in their presentation of evolution and other aspects of science like they really understood them, conscious misrepresentation of science at every level, trying to link science understanding with having no values (or no positive values), when it is so obvious that the ID followers plainly lie and use every dirty trick under their sleeve. I cannot believe how these people can talk about being religious –which supposedly gives them very positive values–, yet they find it acceptable to lie and take quotes out of context. So, I would not spend a single penny watching the movie just to get more of the same falsehood, plain hypocrisy, at play. I would have to be paid, and paid well, to go watch that.

  7. Expelled is exactly what you would expect, an attempt to cast doubt into the theory of evolution. The movie made no attempt to present any kind support for creation which is not surprising since the bible based idea is nothing but a false belief.Creation = Intelligent Design = PseudoscienceIt’s a balanced equation…

  8. I find the comments of these two gentlemen telling. They do nothing but attempt to belittle the people, since they have no way of disproving the contents. The comments of Mac (under number 9) is also a perfect explanation – “theory of evolution” – true enough it is nothing but a theory, and pure acceptance (stating a belief as fact) that the Bible based idea is a false belief. There is no need to attempt to cast doubt over a theory, the mere fact that it still is a theory implies that there exists substantial doubt in itself.

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