What is your favorite scripting language?
(I don’t think I can do polls on this site … but if you click on this picture of a poll, you can go to that site and take the poll)
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I don’t know if I would classify Python as a scripting language per se, even though it’s interpreted.Or perhaps it’s just an effect of the current state of interpreted languages that a highly elegant language like python can be considered a scripting language.No prize for guessing where my vote ended up!
Hank: If you vote for Python then you are voting for Python being thought of as a scripting language…. You have a conundrum.I think of a scripting language as having two features: 1: It is interpreted and 2: it can script things, i.e., is aware of high level things (windows states, for example) and thus can be used to run other programs. If C (not C+, C#, but C) was interpreted (one could in theory build an interpreter, I suppose) it might not be a scripting language unless you provided a high end library.