Do you know where your .emacs file is? UPDATED

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I just reconfigured my laptop with a new system (a form of Linux) and, almost as important, a new power brick. That second item may be more interesting than it sounds for some of you; I’ll write that up later. This change also meant trashing my emacs configuration file. I didn’t have to trash it, … Continue reading Do you know where your .emacs file is? UPDATED

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Emacs Mail Amusements

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Apropos this, cribbed from the GNU Emacs manual by (originally) Richard Stallman: 35.6 Mail Amusements ==================== `M-x spook’ adds a line of randomly chosen keywords to an outgoing mail message. The keywords are chosen from a list of words that suggest you are discussing something subversive. The idea behind this feature is the suspicion that … Continue reading Emacs Mail Amusements

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A List Of Lisp and Emacs Books

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Land of Lisp: Learn to Program in Lisp, One Game at a Time! is a book about lisp programming. If you are into programming for fun, artificial intelligence, role playing games, or an emacs user, you should take a look at this book. I’ve got some info on this book as well as a few … Continue reading A List Of Lisp and Emacs Books

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