Daily Archives: July 2, 2011

Charles Darwin and the Condor

Charles Darwin did a lot of work with birds. Darwin was a consumer of information, constantly attempting experiments, interviewing locals, making observations, and so on. For this reason, his writing about birds provides not only interesting information about birds, but also insight into his methods and thought process. I’m writing a weekly blog post about this, and the current exemplar of Darin and his “other” birds is about the Andean Condor.

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Rebecca Watson, Barbara Drescher and the Elevator Guy

Rebecca Watson did the right thing when she spoke about McGrew’s response too her (Watson’s) response to the Elevator Guy, and Barbara Drescher’s response to all of that is amazing. If you don’t know what I’m talking about here, it might be best to move on. Otherwise, here’s my two cents (and there are exactly two) about this Matryoshka Moment.

Continue reading Rebecca Watson, Barbara Drescher and the Elevator Guy