Daily Archives: May 6, 2008

It Is Over

Obama has not only won North Carolina, but he has apparently TROUNCED Clinton. The Clinton Campaign put a great deal of effort into North Carolina in an effort to take the state (and thus truly throw Obama’s viability into question) or at least make it close. It looks like it is not close. Not even close to close.It does not matter who wins in Indiana, because it will be close. If by some chance Obama happens to take that state as well, you can expect Clinton to suspend her campaign within a day or two. Either way, the slow and steady flow of Super Delegates to Obama will continue and likely speed up.But just in case, I have a plan for Obama to finish it tomorrow… Continue reading It Is Over

Cyclone Nargis Death Toll Rises

The Myanmar/Burma death toll is now experiencing the usual effects of poor information, limited reporting, and the outcome of being stuck between sensationalism and horror.Most agencies are reporting 22,000 dead with twice that missing. I do think that these numbers are meaningless at this point, as the Junta government can’t be trusted to be able to deliver this sort of information, and aid agencies are only now arriving on the scene. Continue reading Cyclone Nargis Death Toll Rises