Tag Archives: Robots

The Robot Takeover is Getting Closer

i-9156072bd52d52d27739207cb882f917-mind_control.jpgA mind control device … where your mind controls a video game, is soon to be developed, and is obviously the first step in the Robot plan to Take Over the World.

Some scary new technology will soon be coming to market: video game controllers that let you use your thoughts rather than your hands. The EPOC neuroheadsets are “designed to detect conscious thoughts and expressions as well as ‘non-conscious emotions’ by reading electrical signals around the brain”.

Reward now, punishment later. [source: Primordial Blog]Then there’s this: Continue reading The Robot Takeover is Getting Closer

Robots Send Expedition to Antarctica

A robotic observatory installed at a high-altitude site in Antarctica will search for planets orbiting other stars and test the site’s potential for more ambitious observatories that could follow. The site may offer the best astronomical sky conditions in the world….During the uninterrupted darkness of winter near the South Pole, CSTAR will be able to monitor a 20-square-degree patch of sky – about 100 times the area of the Full Moon – for four months straight. It will look for the dimming of a star’s light caused by a planet passing in front of it as seen from Earth.Astronomers involved in the PLATO project believe Dome A may be the best site in the world for astronomy, and PLATO is designed primarily to measure key characteristics like the amount of turbulence in the air, which can distort astronomical images, and the amount of water vapour, which blocks out light in the infrared and radio parts of the spectrum.[source]

Ethical Implications of Robots in War

From Slashdot:

Schneier points out an interesting (and long, 117-pages) paper on the ethical implications of robots in war: “This report has provided the motivation, philosophy, formalisms, representational requirements, architectural design criteria, recommendations, and test scenarios to design and construct an autonomous robotic system architecture capable of the ethical use of lethal force. These first steps toward that goal are very preliminary and subject to major revision, but at the very least they can be viewed as the beginnings of an ethical robotic warfighter. The primary goal remains to enforce the International Laws of War in the battlefield in a manner that is believed achievable, by creating a class of robots that not only conform to International Law but outperform human soldiers in their ethical capacity.”

Get the report here (PDF)[source]

Hod Lipson: Robots that are”self-aware”

Hod Lipson demonstrates a few of his cool little robots, which have the ability to learn, understand themselves and even self-replicate. At the root of this uncanny demo is a deep inquiry into the nature of how humans and living beings learn and evolve, and how we might harness these processes to make things that learn and evolve.

Continue reading Hod Lipson: Robots that are”self-aware”