Tag Archives: Republicans

Truths and Consequences

There are two reasons that the Republicans “won” the house and took more senate seats. One of them was made clear last night at dinner. Our waitress was funny. She started out a little funny-strange, then went to funny-ha ha, and I left the restaurant liking her and wishing more people were mostly like her. The funny-strange bit derived from her thoughtful pauses following certain questions like “do you have vegetables” and “you are out of my favorite beer, what should I drink” and so on. It turns out that we were pretty nearly her first customers ever, and she was hiding her nervousness very well but something (strange) was seeping through. She also heard and began to engage in our conversation, and was probably unsure how appropriate that might be (a good question, indeed). When we proved friendly the banter amongst us evolved into an all-out Michele Bachmann bash-fest, funny-strange had evolved into funny-ha ha and I was glad to be giving this person a tip instead of some Michele Bachmann supporter.
Continue reading Truths and Consequences

Tim Profitt Issued Summons, Whines

Rand Paul’s henchman, alleged assailant Tim Profitt (“The Stomper”) has been summoned before a judge on assault charges . Profitt has started whining about his safety being in danger and claims to have received numerous death threats after he and his buddies wrestled an unarmed woman to the ground and stomped on her at a political rally because they did not like her opinion.

He now claims that the reason that he stomped the victim, political activist and 90 pound weakling Lauren Valle, on the head is because he has a bad back and could not bend down, presumably to punch her on the head.

The libertarian campaign worker also complains that none of this would have happened if only the government had intervened earlier as he had requested. Profitt claims to not have known what Valle was up to, and to have been frightened by her presence (thus, stomping her head after a failed plan, because of back trouble, to punch the bitch out) and then he claimed that he knew who she was and what she was up to and had requested government intervention to stop her from speaking her mind.

Valle, the victim of Tim Profitt’s Teabagging Rage, is a member of Moveon.org, seen by the right wing as a cancer on society because it attempts to advance thoughtful progressive policies and candidates.

Profitt’s insistence that things would have worked out OK if only government agents had intervened earlier, anticipating his tantrum and stopping it before it happened, is consistent with his (and his colleague, Rand Paul’s) Libertarian philosophy: Keep the government out of things unless you need them, then complain that they are not doing enough.


Rand Paul Rally Head Smasher was Local Campaign Coordinator

The man who stomped on the head of a woman at a Rand Paul campaign event has been identified, and it is a person close to Paul and involved in the campaign. He was one of several campaign workers who seemingly premeditated the attack, part of which was recently caught on videotape.


Assailant Tim Profitt, who works for Rand Paul, and Rand Paul.

Here are more details, from the woman who was wrestled to the ground and stomped on by Tim Profitt, who has been identified as one of Paul’s local campaign coordinators (a volunteer position). These are the words of the stompee herself, Lauren Valle:

Continue reading Rand Paul Rally Head Smasher was Local Campaign Coordinator

“If I had a gun, I’d come after you, you SOB.”

That’s what one of my fellow Minnesotans, a gun-nut proto-teabagger, said to Paul Wellstone after he was elected to the Senate, and was busy opposing Gulf War I. There were many other threats as well, once again demonstrating that right wingers are often rude, sometimes violent, and always obnoxious.

This comes up now because Paul Wellstone’s FBI file is suddenly in the public eye.

Continue reading “If I had a gun, I’d come after you, you SOB.”

Teabagging Terrorists step up attacks on Latino progressive Democratic candidate

This story has been more or less in the background for some time, as the receipts of envelopes containing swastikas, cat food, and shit sent by right wing extremists is fairly run of the mill. But the latest envelope from what appear to be white supremacist teabagging terrorists sent to Congressman Raul Grijalva’s office appears to have contained a toxic “white powder.” His office has been shut down and his campaign in this very close race has been severely disrupted.

Details here.

And, this:

Stimulating Hypocrisy: Scores of Recovery Act Opponents Sought Money Out of Public View

As expected, the liars, I mean Republicans (and Blue Dog Dems) who opposed the recovery act still wanted the recover act. They only wanted to look like they opposed it while they took advantage of it.

Rep. Pete Sessions, the firebrand conservative from Dallas, Texas, has relentlessly assailed the Democratic-passed stimulus law as a wasteful “trillion dollar spending spree” that was “more about stimulating the government and rewarding political allies than growing the economy and creating jobs.”

But that didn’t stop the Republican lawmaker from reaching his hand out behind the scenes to seek stimulus money for the suburb of Carrollton after the camera lights went dark and the GOP campaign against the 2009 stimulus law quieted down.

… and so on and so forth …

Nazi-Garbed House Hopeful Nets International Notice

The party of stupid, a.k.a. Teabaggers a.k.a. Republicans a.k.a. The Million Moran March has been attracting significant international attention, which is normal because people like to laugh at American stupidities (and this is just). But I thought you’d like to see this snippet from today’s BBC:

The Iott controversy comes amid growing concern in the Republican party about the views of some candidates for the mid-term elections in November, our correspondent says.

He adds that the growth of the ultra-conservative Tea Party movement has left them with one would-be senator who has questioned the civil rights legislation in the 1960s, while another confessed to dabbling in witchcraft and suggested scientists were implanting full human brains into mice.


And now just a little comment for those of you who call yourselves “Fiscally conservative but [bla bla bla fill in some excuse for being a Republican, anything other than the truth, which would make you look like the selfish bastard that you actually are bla bla bla ]” … This is what you made for us. Shame on you. Now, if you don’t mind, could you please fix it?

It is not “A Godwin” to say that this tea-partier is a Nazi

The Atlantic’s Josh Green reports that millionaire businessman Rich Iott, the Republican nominee challenging Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D) in Ohio’s Ninth District, has an unusual hobby: He likes to pretend he’s a Nazi.

Iott, a tea party-backed candidate, spent time fighting another battle before he hit the campaign trail against Kaptur as a member of the 5th SS Wiking Panzer Division, a group of Ohio World War II reenactors.

According to their website, the Wikings strive to “salute” the “idealists” from occupied northern Europe who saw the Third Reich as “the protector of personal freedom and their very way of life” and signed up to fight for the Wermacht and “gave their lives for their loved ones and a basic desire to be free.”

Hat tip Kevin

Here they are playing:

Nazis. I hate these guys.