Just for fun. A repost of something that floated to the top several months ago. October 17th 2007 to be exact. There is a reason I’m reposting this. For now, I’ll let you guess. Continue reading James Watson: Please bend over while I kick your freakin ass
Tag Archives: Race and Racism
Why”lactose intolerance”is a racist slur
“I don’t mind that they work over at the factory, but I don’t want one of those lactose intolerant people moving in next door…” or “Some of my best friends are lactose intolerant. But I sure don’t want my sister marrying one….”Say what? Continue reading Why”lactose intolerance”is a racist slur
Racist Anti-Obama Tee Shirt
Marietta tavern owner Mike Norman says the T-shirts he’s peddling, featuring cartoon chimp Curious George peeling a banana, with “Obama in ’08” scrolled underneath, are “cute.” But to a coalition of critics, the shirts are an insulting exploitation of racial stereotypes from generations past.”It’s time to put an end to this,” said Rich Pellegrino, a Mableton resident and director of the Cobb-Cherokee Immigrant Alliance. He was among about 15 people who protested outside Mulligan’s Bar and Grill Tuesday afternoon against the sale of the “racist and highly offensive” shirts.
Express your opinion at this internet poll!Major Hat Tip: Kevin!… where you can read more about it.
Chocolate Rain
And the winner for best music video: “Chocolate Rain.” Tay Zonday morphed from an unknown musician to an Internet superstar who got booked on national TV shows after his song “Chocolate Rain” – an amateur clip of his baritone crooning – went viral last year. Now he’s among the 12 winners of the second annual YouTube Video Awards, recognizing the top user-created videos of 2007.[source]
Turns out I’m a white guy
I’m kind of shocked. Well, whatever.Some moron just blew 70 bucks, or whatever it takes to register a domain name, to anonymously post photographs of most of the scienceblogs.com bloggers (without linkbacks, and therefore in violation of Blogging Ethics and possibly copyright laws), dividing the bloggers into “Aryan” and some other category. I don’t think I want to know what Mr. Moron would call this other category. Continue reading Turns out I’m a white guy
Minnesota al Qaeda Attack Thwarted by Patriot … or maybe not
Americans revel in violence. We have an excuse for almost any kind of violent or oppressive act. When a young boy poking around, on a dare, in what he thought was an abandoned house was shot dead by my neighbor last year, the boy was vilified as a threat and the trigger happy crazy guy lauded as a hero, by my other neighbors. Why would that be? Earlier this week, an event happened in a nearby town that helps us to understand the sorry state our culture has attained.During a high school basketball game between local teams Shakopee and Prior Lake, a “fan” ran onto the basketball court twice, interrupting the game. While he did this, his buddies were elsewhere in the gym throwing eggs at people. During his second interruption, the “fan” grabbed the basketball from a player preparing for a foul shot, and started taking layups. That is when activities director John Janke violently tackled the fan, bringing him to the ground.Janke is now a hero in the local press. I beg to differ. Let me tell you why. Continue reading Minnesota al Qaeda Attack Thwarted by Patriot … or maybe not
Ben Dunlap: The story of a passionate life
Ben Dunlap tells the story of Sandor Teszler, a Hungarian man he met at Wofford College. In telling Teszler’s dramatic life story, which arcs from the Holocaust to the American Deep South of the 1950s, Dunlap shares some deep and, ultimately, moving lessons about justice — and the power of lifelong learning. Sit back and listen. Continue reading Ben Dunlap: The story of a passionate life
Four Stone Hearth Blog Carnival 33
Welcome to the Four Stone Hearth Blog Carnival #33, ‘specializing’ in the four fields of anthropology. The previous edition of 4SH can be found at Testimony of the Spade, and the next edition will be hosted by Our Cultural World. The main page for Four Stone Hearth has additional information on the carnival, and you can submit entries via Blog Carnival.
As Race Moves to South Race Becomes Main Issue
You can say whatever you think, or believe, or want to think or believe, about the importance of Clinton’s whiteness, Obama’s blackness. and Edward’s southern whiteness. As the primaries move south of the Mason Dixon line, race has become the only issue of importance.
Continue reading As Race Moves to South Race Becomes Main Issue
Michigan State U: Look out for this
The Michigan State University (MSU) chapter of Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) has announced that it will be hosting a lecture by Jared Taylor in March. Taylor, who is not particularly well-known in the mainstream, is a prominent racist who’s New Century Foundation and American Renaissance publication are devoted to pursuing “scientific” justifications for racism.
Race is a social construct and a self fulfilling prophecy all wrapped up together
Gene Expression has the second in a pair of posts on race that is worth a close look. In Why phenotypic races may not disappear, G.E. speaks of the particulate nature of inheritance in relation to culturally defined racial types (that are in turn based on appearance). Continue reading Race is a social construct and a self fulfilling prophecy all wrapped up together
Reduced Verbal Ability in African American Children
African American children may have reduced verbal ability compared to other children to a degree that is roughly equivalent to missing a year in school, according to a recently published paper. Is this evidence of a racial difference?The study by Sampson et.al., published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences included more than 200 children aged 6-12 living in Chicago, and followed these children over seven years. The study controlled for poverty, and interestingly, poverty was not found to be a good predictor of differences in verbal ability. Continue reading Reduced Verbal Ability in African American Children
Transvestite Schoolteacher Tortures Students For Fun
How sick is your sense of humor? Really sick? Good, enjoy the show….
Continue reading Transvestite Schoolteacher Tortures Students For Fun
Preaching Eugenics
Brian Larnder, bless his soul, has written an overview (maybe a book review) of Preaching Eugenics: Religious Leaders and the American Eugenics Movement
From Brian:
… the concept of eugenics found a very welcome home among the christian faithful of the day from the late 19th Century through the first few decades of the 20th Century. The American Eugenics society sponsored an annual contest for the best eugenics sermon of the year and apparently many clergymen participated, readily supplying biblical quotations to make the case for eugenics.
AHA! I say! (see)
Go and read Brian’s post! He concludes with…
To blame it all on Darwin (and by extension all of modern biology) is ridiculous and deceitful. To take that a step further and insist that without Darwin, Hitler would never have carried out the holocaust is the absolute height of dishonesty.