Tag Archives: Race and Racism

To Engage or Not To Engage

During the election campaign, the Palin/Whatshisname ticket made hay over Obama’s statements that he would engage in international conversations with unsavory knee-jerks such as the president of Iran. I call these people knee-jerks because they invoke a knee-jerk response in right wing and even moderate circles. Obama is of course right in that it is counter productive to write off any possibility of communication with another nation or a globally significant faction of any kind a priori. Sure, writing them off a priori makes a point, and does so in a powerful way. But then what do you do? “The Point” has been made with Cuba for almost 50 years, and as a strategy to rid the Western Hemisphere of it’s only major entrenched communist regime has worked as poorly as any national level foreign policy has ever worked ever, for any country, in all of modern history.

Engagement is an important question at local levels as well. For instance, I find the American Chemical Society to be obnoxious, and I find Shell Oil to be evil. You will notice however that these two companies appear to be two of the major sponsors of Scienceblogs.com. Am I complaining? No. Am I kicking their respective asses somehow? Well, I am actually ignoring the American Chemical Society, but yes, I speak out now and then against Shell, and will probably do more in the future. Does Seed Media care? Well, I hope they care in some way about stuff generally, but I don’t believe that there is any squeamishness on their part about Sb bloggers writing critically about Seed or Sb sponsor. And I’m not guessing here. This is the message that has been conveyed to me. Essentially, they are telling me “Just blog … whatever.”

Now, we have an interesting other example of the engagement issue playing out on the national stage. This is in relation to the UN’s Durban Review Conference, which is an international conference on racism starting now. There has been a lot of arguing about to related issues: 1) Israel and all it’s conservative government stands for (in relation to racism) and Islamic vs. Western perspectives (to the extent that this false dichotomy exists) on religious co-called “tolerance” or “intolerance.” As a result of this mucking around, several Western nations are not attending the conference at all, or are only sending low level officials. The only national leader who will be attending is Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whacko holocaust denier and general dickhead (all due respect intended).

I don’t know what the U.S. would be doing, under Obama, if this conference had come later in time or if the Bush Depression had not been in full swing at the start of Obama’s term. The failure of the entire “West” to engage at this conference certainly complicates matters. What will probably have to happen over the next few years is a lot of groundwork, followed by a national racism conference at which two or three Islamic World leaders, two or three Western World leaders (including the kid with the big ears and the funny name) and for or five “Third World” relatively non-Western and non-Religious state leaders (such as the leaders of South Africa and Indonesia) all play a prominent part and are all seen sipping tea together and so on.

Disengagement is not an option. The West is wrong for not showing up at this conference. The British, who are showing up at a low level, have said that if President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran starts in with the anti-Semitic thing, they’ll storm out of the hall. Well, that’s a start … at least somebody is doing something.

Change is made by those who show up. Let’s all start showing up, please.

Some details of the conference can be found here and here.

When Do Immigrants Learn English? Likely, not when you think.

A timely repost, given the discussion going on here.


The North End, Boston, Massachusetts
I’m standing outside Luigi’s restaurant having a smoke, and Luigi’s doorman had joined me. Across the street yellow stingray is parked, as usual, to block the alley. The word is, the fire escape down into that alley leads directly from Baronelli’s office. The stingray is an escape pod.

Almost every restaurant on Hanover street and the dozen side streets is like Luigi’s: owned by a family from a particular part of Italy or Sicily, with a local cuisine variant, and for the most part, run by the third generation in the family that originally immigrated to Boston’s North End.

I notice the door man take a quick glance up the street and subtly drop his smoke out of sight next to the stairs. He steps half way onto the sidewalk. Sure enough, Baronelli himself is coming down Hanover, walking his dog … a tiny frenetic brown thing … leash in one hand and an unlit cigar in the other. He’s actually wearing a white ascot to complement his thousand dollar Italian three-piece and light brown cape.

As Baronelli, the walking movie prop and Mafia chief, walks by, the door man address him in Italian, and Baronelli grunts back … but I think the grunt may have been in Italian as well.

This is 1981, and everybody in this neighborhood speaks Italian, because they are Italian. Second and third generation, yes, but Italian is the language of the home and the workplace. This is a neighborhood with zero unemployment, zero unorganized crime, and that serves the city in which it is ensconced as a major international tourist destination. And it is pretty much true that the Italian immigrants that moved to this neighborhood starting more than a century ago are still working on the English Only thing.
Continue reading When Do Immigrants Learn English? Likely, not when you think.

If only their names weren’t so funny and hard to pronounce…

The problem with those dang ethnic people is that you can’t even pronounced their names. Regarding the difficulty some Chinese and other east Asian people have with conflicts in their own naming system and the naming system assued by, for instance, a state’s Motor Vehicle department, Texas (where else) State Representative Betty Brown says:

Rather than everyone here having to learn Chinese — I understand it’s a rather difficult language — do you think that it would behoove you and your citizens to adopt a name that we could deal with more readily here? …

Can’t you see that this is something that would make it a lot easier for you and the people who are poll workers if you could adopt a name just for identification purposes that’s easier for Americans to deal with?

In reporting this story, Feministing has suggested that maybe it’s Betty Brown who should change her name so that it is easier for the rest of us to deal with, and asks for suggestions.

So, any suggestions?

Race, Gender, IQ and Nature

ResearchBlogging.orgNature, the publishing group, not the Mother, has taken Darwin’s 200th as an opportunity to play the race card (which always sells copy) and went ahead and published two opposing views on this question: “Should scientists study race and IQ?

The answers are Yes, argued by Stephen Cici and Wendy Williams of the Dept of Human Development at Cornell, and No, argued by Steven Rose, a neuroscientist at Open University.

I would like to weigh in.

Continue reading Race, Gender, IQ and Nature

Charles and Willie

The Kennedy School of Government had banned all smoking within the building, but had not yet banned smoking just outside the doors facing the Charles River, to the south of the complex. An African American woman, about fifty years of age, took a light from me, and we stood in the falling snow enjoying our smokes. That was a heavy year for snow. It seemed that every day about the same time the two of us would be standing here in a blizzard.

I never knew her name, but I knew she worked in the cafeteria. We talked about a wide range of topics, including (and possibly mainly) the weather. A week or so earlier, we had an especially interesting conversation.

“He’s my nephew, you know.”


“That Bennett boy. We live on the same street. We’re blood, and I know him as well as I know anybody, and I can tell you he didn’t do it.”

She was talking about Willie Bennett, who had just a few days before that conversation been picked out of a lineup as the killer of Carol DiMaiti Stewart.

“I’m not saying he couldn’t have done it. Willie is NOT a good boy; I’ll leave it at that. But everybody knows where he was that night. He wasn’t near that place. We know he didn’t do it.”

Charles and Carol Stewart were at a childbirth class at the main baby hospital in town. I remember this really well, because two of my best friends were taking childbirth classes at that time at the same hospital on the same evening. So, when I heard on the news that a couple leaving that hospital from a childbirth class had been attacked, the woman killed and the man shot in the gut, I checked on my friends. It wasn’t them.

The event made national news in part because one of those cop shows was filming that night in Boston. Charles called on a cell phone to say his wife and he had been shot, but he was disoriented and he didn’t know where he was. The dispatcher got on the radio to all of the Boston cops at once, and had them run their sirens one at a time, asking Charles if he could hear the sound. Using this method, they located the car containing the victims, and were able to save Charles. Carol died later that night, and the fetus, delivered months early, died several days later.

And they picked up Willie because he was a known bad guy and resembled the description Charles had given of the assailant. Charles then picked Willie out of the lineup, apparently confirming that he was the assailant.

This would be a good time to mention that Charles and Carol were white people from an inner-ring suburb of Boston, and Willie was African American from the “inner city.” This matters if you consider the broader social context of this event. Boston has its race problems.

Then a little time went by and the police, quietly and without fanfare, started to get suspicious of the story. In fact, it would later be understood that they were suspicious from the beginning. A little pushing here and a little poking here, and suddenly Charlie’s brother, Matthew, confesses.

It turns out that on the fateful night, Charles called Matthew and gave him an address. When Matthew arrived, he found his sister in-law shot in the head and for all practical purposes dead, and his brother with a gut wound, both in Charles’ car. Charles gave Matthew a bag containing the firearm used by Charles to shoot his wife and himself and some valuables, like a wallet and stuff, and told him to get rid of the goods. So Matthew, apparently about as dumb as his brother, tossed the bag into a shallow creek not far from where they all lived. This was a creek where everybody tosses shit like this. The first place the cops would look.

Anyway, Matthew ratted out his brother, Willie was released, and Charles became the main suspect.

So, we were standing there in the snow, looking at the river. And I remembered what I had heard just a few minutes earlier.

“Did you hear about Charles Stewart?” I asked her.

“What about him?” blowing smoke.

“He jumped into the river this morning. He jumped off the Tobin Bridge. He did not survive.”

“Well,” she said, staring out into the river, looking at the nearest bridge, at the thick ice below the bridge, and the swirling snow and blowing drifts. It would be impossible to imagine how anyone would survive the jump off the bridge we were looking at into that water, and the Tobin Bridge was significantly higher. “Well…that”s something.”

Heroes of the Future: Contrasting Contexts, The Race Thing, and Science Education

So Amanda and I arrive at some public building in a largish Midwestern city. I’m a scientist, here to sit on a panel for a public discussion related to science and education. The building, a library, is not open yet but is scheduled to open in a few minutes. There are two groups of people standing in the flurries and chilly wind waiting for opening. The larger group is pressed against the door, seemingly anxious, and I (incorrectly, it turns out) attribute this anxiety to the cold. I’m thinking they want to go inside because it is cold. All but two people in this group are brown to dark brown of complexion, mostly African American and two or three Native Americans, and probably some people I’d be uncomfortable guessing the ethnicity of. The other group was smaller, older, and very much whiter, standing away from the door off some distance from the others. I recognized one of these individuals as a person who goes to these sorts of events. So naturally, Amanda and I wandered over to that group figuring they would know something like where the panel discussion was to be, and so on.
Continue reading Heroes of the Future: Contrasting Contexts, The Race Thing, and Science Education

Has the Octuplet Mom Cuckolded The White Folk?

I’ve always been annoyed at women giving birth to seven, eight kids at once. There are too many freakin’ people in the world, who do they think they are? But my annoyances is limited.

Other people in the past seem to have been less annoyed, and instead of being miffed they reward these baby factories. The family that has six or seven kids (or more) because of over-done fertility treatments (or some other mojo) gets free diapers, college funds are set up, and so on. They become heroes and society steps up to take care of their children.

I suppose that make sense for the sake of the innocent bystanders … the kids … but again, we are rewarding, at least to some extent, excess. Right?

Well, I was fascinated and even a bit shocked to read today that society is not stepping up to help the family that just bred a litter of octuplets. Here is an example of one of these stories, and an explanation (which I think is wrong) for this new phenomenon of shunning the litter bearers:

Where is the unlimited supply of diapers, formula and baby wipes? The free van? The brand-new house?

Women who give birth to six, seven or eight babies are often showered with dazzling gifts from big corporations, local businesses and strangers. But that is not happening with the Southern California mother who delivered octuplets last week.

The news that she is a single mother with six other children — and that all 14 were conceived by having embryos implanted — seems to have turned off many people, and companies are not exactly rushing to get publicity by piling on the freebies.


When I first heard about this without knowing any details at all, I figured that the recent downturn in the economy (The Bush Depression) had caused a shift in people’s opinions. Then I read the story further and discovered, as implied above and as demonstrated by other evidence, that this is probably a case of someone who is unhealthily obsessed with the act of popping out babies, and who may have inappropriately used fertility resources to produce a very large number of baby-popping experiences.

Then, I noticed the woman’s name and looked at pictures of her babies and discovered yet another reason why people might be mad at her: She, and/or one or more of the fathers, and certainly a sprinkling of the offspring, are NOT WHITE.

If this is a factor, then this situation is an example of the same kind of phenomenon we see with welfare stigma and similar social phenomena. We can celebrate the birth of babies, as long as they are more of us. But if someone is sprinkling the Fertility Mojo on a non-white woman to produce non-white babies, then that is cuckoldry, and there is nothing more infuriating than being cuckolded. In some legal systems of the recent past (and possibly present), if you killed someone who attempted to cuckold you, that would be a minor crime. Certainly, withholding a lifetime supply of free diapers is more sociall acceptable and not as severe, but similar.

So, which is it …

1) The economy, stupid?

2) OTT birthing is annoying?

3) The usual suspects feel cuckolded so they are mad at this mom and her hoard?

Insisting that “races are real” is a self fulfilling and overt racist act. So stop it now, please.

ResearchBlogging.orgWell, the above statement, while true, is just a tiny bit beyond the peer reviewed paper I’m reporting to you today, but this paper supports the assertion and the results presented in the paper should not be a surprise to anyone.

Here’s the basic idea:
Continue reading Insisting that “races are real” is a self fulfilling and overt racist act. So stop it now, please.

Race and the new DC Social Scene

An interesting essay …

…Debra Lee, chief executive of Black Entertainment Television, has been on Washington’s A-list for some time, but she has been even more popular since Nov. 4, receiving invites from folks she doesn’t really know.

“The first reaction is: ‘Wow. Isn’t that curious? Are they just using me?’ ” she said. “Then you think about Obama, who says he wants to be inclusive.”

At the same time, an invitation to Lee’s home is an even hotter ticket, after Jarrett and incoming White House social secretary Desiree Rogers showed up for one of her late-night parties last month. On Friday night, at Lee’s VIP reception for this year’s BET Honors, guests mobbed Rep. James E. Clyburn (D-S.C.), who vigorously supported Obama after the candidate swept his state’s primary. Honorees Magic Johnson, Judith Jamison and restaurateur B. Smith mingled with D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty, journalists Charlie Rose and Gwen Ifill, and actors Gabrielle Union and Samuel L. Jackson. Arianna Huffington, Hilary Rosen and Beth Dozoretz huddled with Oprah Winfrey’s best friend, Gayle King….

Go read it.

Bush and Harry Use the P-Word

Americans, take note:

Prince Harry has apologised for using offensive language to describe a member of his army platoon.
The News of the World has published video in which the prince calls one of his Sandhurst colleagues a “Paki” in commentary he made over filming.


Now, help me out here, citizens of the UK and colonies and former colonies: How bad is this?

I had always assumed that “Paki” was a slur. I have seen the word used mainly in novels in which Brits or Americans were speaking distainfully of the Pakistanis, usually in spy novels and such, but I never knew if “Paki” was really bad (like the n-word bad) or not so bad at all (like calling Brits Brits) or highly variable (like the word “frog” for French of Kanook for Canadians).

The reason I ask this is the following: Some years ago, George Bush was being interviewed and in that interview made specific mention of the “Pakis” for the Pakistanis. No outrage was claimed, no apologies were asked for, no backpedaling happened. It was like “Paki” was perfectly normal and acceptable. That made me wonder.

So maybe now we should be going back over the old newsreels to find George Bush using the P-word?????

Adolph Hitler: So cute you just want to pinch his fat little cheeks….

i-850fb45e48b92f9cdb4f5976adfb825f-child_named_adolph_hitler_by_WS_parents.jpgHeath and Deborah Campbell had three children. They named them:

  • JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell
  • Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell
  • Adolf Hitler Campbell

That, right there, would be child abuse. Do you not agree?

The story is making the rounds (h/t: McDuff) because it is little Adolph’s third birthday and the local shop-rite (supermarket) refuses to provide the family with a cake enscribed “Happy Birthday Adolph Hitler.”

The story can be found here and here.

The American South, Urban Areas, People of Color, Native Americans … In short, the poor and disadvantaged … suffer greatly from poverty-caused neglected diseases


Triatoma infestans, Chagas vector
This is the conclusion of a report to be published in the June 2008 PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases journal. The report, by Peter Hotez of George Washington University and the Sabin Vaccine Institute, is a clear indictment of economic disparity in the United States. The bottom line: Many poor Americans are, effectively, living in a poorly managed third world country. Continue reading The American South, Urban Areas, People of Color, Native Americans … In short, the poor and disadvantaged … suffer greatly from poverty-caused neglected diseases

The Black Chinese of South Africa

In the early days of South Africa … well, not the really early days, but some time in the 19th century or early 20th century, a fairly large number of Chines people were imported as workers/slaves. One of the reasons to do this was to break the indigenous workers’ efforts for reform. It failed, and the Chinese became of no special use to the Apartheid government or the mining corporations, so they were sent back. All of them.Nonetheless, there are some 200,000 or so “ethnic Chinese” living today in South Africa. Now, I do not really know for sure who these people are or how they got there, and I’m not totally trusting that they are really “Chinese” … in South African English, the word “Chinese” means “Asian.” But whatever, there they are.The reason I’m even mentioning this is because of this fascinating news story that has come out today from the BBC: Continue reading The Black Chinese of South Africa