Tag Archives: Race and Racism

OMFG. Words fail me.

As I watched this, I decided to post it on my blog, and then my mind went through a series of possible titles for the post, but there were so many yet so few that would be appropriate.

This lady is obviously crazy. Frankly, perhaps the mail carrier is crazy for not driving off with her arm in the door, but I wasn’t there so it’s hard to say.

I should say, for context, that Hingham Massachusetts is a relatively affluent but typically fairly mighty white somewhat liberal region along the “South Shore” of Massachusetts, south of Boston and adjoining Boston Harbor. It dates back to 1635, and sports one of the more interesting really old New England restaurants renamed a couple of hundred years ago to “Ye Olde Mille Grille” (pronounce, presumably, Yee Oldy Milly Grilly).

You can see this woman’s training (Brandeis? no, her accent suggests a Western Mass education, maybe one of the Amherst area sister colleges? Anyway, she wasn’t born in Hingham, but elsewhere in the northeast) rubbing up against her hard-earned opinion of reality, buttressed by the concept that since Martin Luther King was active several decades ago, and black people (i.e., “nigger thieves” in her words) are still, you know, all niggery and stuff, that it must be due to internal strife and back biting amongst them.

And she’s saying and thinking all this talking to a man from some other country, which does make us chuckle a little just because her understanding of context is so provincial.

But is she racist? Not as racist as the system that allowed this event to happen without consequence, in a world in which a black man striking a white mail carrier would probably spend days, possibly years, in prison for violating the Patriot Act.

The mail carrier was, of course, fired. Uppity nigger mail carrier.

The mail carrier may or may not have been fired, and if he was, he may or may not have been fired for reasons that may or may not have been related to this incident, and it is possible that he was a temp. See the link kindly supplied by JustMe in the comments section below for a LOT more information on crazy lady.

More info here

Hat tip, Jaf.

How social networks predict epidemics

You will recall my post: A genetic cause of rapid degeneration in some Alzheimer’s patients. Well, now it (the topic) is a Ted Video. But before you watch it, I need to take down Nicholas Christakis for saying the dumbest thing I’ve heard all week.

No, Nicholas, it is not true in any way whatsoever that humans did not have complex social networks prior to “emerging” from the “African Savanna” … nor would the implication that you make that those still living in Africa, or the savanna therein, fail in this way. That’s just you being an ignorant racist westerner. Otherwise your talk is moderately interesting, and since it relates to the above linked post, I’ll be happy to put it on my blog.*

*Note: The casual and probably unintentionally offensive remark implying that humans really didn’t become human until leaving the Dark Continent could have been left unused. It added nothing to the talk. But it was an example of casual racism which, like casual sexism, is bad but unlearnable.

Persistent ethnic differences in test performance may be entirely an artifact of the method used to ‘adjust’ the test

ResearchBlogging.orgIt is well established among those who carry out, analyze, and report pre-employment performance testing that slope-based bias in those tests is rare. Why is this important? Look at the following three graphs from a recent study by Aguinis, Culpepper and Pierce (2010):

Continue reading Persistent ethnic differences in test performance may be entirely an artifact of the method used to ‘adjust’ the test

The Landscape of Obesity: considerations of race as a factor

SciCurious has written a review of an interesting paper suggesting a correlation between obesity and city vs. non-city life. As usual, the review by Sci is excellent, but I have a comment or two to add.


Having read the review and then the paper, I had to ask if it might be possible to conclude based on the data presentation that “race” (and thus “genetics”) underlies the observed effect. This is because of this graph:
Continue reading The Landscape of Obesity: considerations of race as a factor

What the Media Wants You to Think About Black Women

After years of inattention, in the past month, the mainstream media has suddenly turned its eye toward black women. And the resulting coverage, filtered through a pretty jaundiced lens, is enough to make me wish the world had never “discovered” us. Here are the messages we’ve heard: 1). Men don’t want us. 2). We don’t have any money. 3). We’re fat and unhealthy.

Check it out

The racist harvard law school email maneno

I’ve spent a fair amount of time at the Harvard Law School. In fact, I was there when Barack was there. I didn’t attend the school, but I drank beer in the school’s beer hall, lived in a dorm shared by the law school and the science area, and cut through the main law school building on my way to the square when it was raining or really cold.

Continue reading The racist harvard law school email maneno

If someone pisses in your iced tea … you don’t have to appreciate that

Subtitle: Republican Annoyed by Uppity Blacks with Phones

Watch and listen, and marvel at it. Marvel at the attitude of the caller, which I’m sure is fairly widespread. Marvel as well at the way the host handles the call. For which he should be fired instantly.

Continue reading If someone pisses in your iced tea … you don’t have to appreciate that