Tag Archives: Politics
The election is getting dirty.
Chocolate Rain
And the winner for best music video: “Chocolate Rain.” Tay Zonday morphed from an unknown musician to an Internet superstar who got booked on national TV shows after his song “Chocolate Rain” – an amateur clip of his baritone crooning – went viral last year. Now he’s among the 12 winners of the second annual YouTube Video Awards, recognizing the top user-created videos of 2007.[source]
This Blog Endorses Ashwin Madia for US Congress
The Third Congressional District from Minnesota, in which I live, has been a Republican seat since the districts around the Twin Cities were Jerrymandered some time ago. The Republican incumbent in this district is retiring this year, and there is a reasonable chance of flipping the district to a Democrat. Ashwin Madia is moving quickly towards attaining the DFL (That’s Minnesotan for ‘Democratic’) endorsement. (I caucuses for him in the Senate Distract convention a couple of weeks ago). He’s an excellent candidate, and will make an excellent member of congress. If you are a voter in the Third District, please consider supporting him this November.Visit Madia’s web site and have a look.
Black Guy Asks for Change
According to witnesses, a loud black man approached a crowd of some 4,000 strangers in downtown Chicago Tuesday and made repeated demands for change.”The time for change is now,” said the black guy, yelling at everyone within earshot for 20 straight minutes, practically begging America for change. “The need for change is stronger and more urgent than ever before. And only you–the people standing here today, and indeed all the people of this great nation–only you can deliver this change.”
Political satire avec music
But wait, there’s more…. Continue reading Political satire avec music
Has Anyone Seen Governor Pawlenty Lately?
A man got into the Minnesota Homeland Security and Emergency Management office in downtown St. Paul last week and defecated in several rooms, police said Monday.The incident happened about 1:30 p.m. Friday in a basement office area of 444 Cedar St., according to a police report. The man went in through an emergency exit door that hadn’t been secured properly, said Tom Walsh, St. Paul police spokesman.A contractor working for building management walked out and didn’t properly secure the door behind him, said Susan Lasley, Minnesota Department of Public Safety spokeswoman.
Mayors, Governors, Scary Gay People and … what? Threesomes????
Sometimes the items falling into my in-box are totally random and unconnected. Sometimes they fit together very nicely. Then, there are the times they fit together in a random and unconnected sort of way. Continue reading Mayors, Governors, Scary Gay People and … what? Threesomes????
More on Sally Kern
Via Pharyngula, we learn of a post on Query: Sally Kern Scrubs Gay Son?Sally Kern is the Okie who was caught on tape making a number of outrageous statements about homosexuality. For instance, she claims that any society that totally embraces homosexuality is doomed. Continue reading More on Sally Kern
Tibet Protests Widen in Scope
There is trouble in Tibet. And some reports indicate that things are only going to get worse in the near future.Protests over Chinese Rule, controlled by both police and Chinese military, have spread beyond Lhasa, according to recent reports, and the Dalai Lama has called for an international inquiry into the deaths of many protesters. Continue reading Tibet Protests Widen in Scope
Twin Cities Radicals: Civil Disobedience Training and Organizing Meeting
Saturday March 22 at 3:30 p.m. at Mayday Books.301 Cedar Ave. S, Minneapolis.(Located below Midwest Mountaineering and The Hub Bike Co-op, on the WestBank side of the University of MN campus)If you want to be truly subversive, read to the bottom of this post. Continue reading Twin Cities Radicals: Civil Disobedience Training and Organizing Meeting
Fun with numbers
I’ve seen one or another version of this before, and I’m never quite sure what the point is. But it is interesting in parts:Is this meant to be sobering, or scary?
Greek Lesbian Couple To Test Marriage Law
A lesbian couple will become the first same-sex couple in Greece to marry when they exchange vows in a civil ceremony next week in an Athens suburb.The LGBT rights group OLKE said Thursday it had found a loophole in a 26 year old update of the Greek civil marriage law that refers only to participating “persons,” without specifying gender.OLKE said that by not naming gender the law, albeit inadvertently, allows same-sex marriage.The organization did not name the lesbians who will test the law, but said that the left-of-center mayor of the Athens suburb of Kessariani has agreed to perform the ceremony.”I have no objection to celebrating this union so long as the law is respected,” the mayor, Spyros Tzokas, told the Ta Nea daily.Had the group not found a friendly mayor it was prepared to go to court.”If the (municipalities) don’t give us the OK, the next step will be legal action,” OLKE spokeswoman Evangelia Vlami told The Associated Press.
Faces of Shame
This is a picture of David Vitter, who was caught up in a prostitution ring in 2007. His face exhibits a certain look, one that may be referred to as an expression of shame.
Here we have New York Governor, or should I say the Former New York Governor, Eliot Spitzer, in a state of shame regarding … what was it again? (That was so long ago) … Right .. a thing with a prostitute. Again, we see the same expression on his face … Continue reading Faces of Shame
Oklahoma Representative Sally Kern: No society that has totally embraced homosexuality has lasted more than a few decades
Last week, a secret recording emerged of a disturbing speech by Oklahoma Representative Sally Kern stating that homosexuality is a bigger threat to our nation than “terrorism or Islam.” Rep. Kern has refused to apologize for her remarks.
She also said:“They’re going after two year olds….””Eureka Springs is now controlled by gays … and a lot of places in Florida”Hard to believe. But hearing is believing:The Human Rights campaign has a petition for you to sign. Hat tip: Emily