Fallback foods are the foods that an organism eats when it can’t find the good stuff. It has been suggested that adaptive changes in fallback food strategies can leave a more distinct mark on the morphology of an organism, including in the fossil record, than changes in preferred food strategies. This assertion is based on work done by the Grants and others with Galapagos Island finches, by Richard Wrangham and me with hominids, and by Betsy Burr and me with rodents. Continue reading The Potato and Human Evolution
Tag Archives: Evolution
What did the immediate ancestor of chimps and humans look like?
Comparing living chimpanzees to living humans, in reference to the species that gave rise to these two closely related species, is one way to frame questions about the evolution of each species. Continue reading What did the immediate ancestor of chimps and humans look like?
Darwin and the Voyage: 09 ~ Fossil Quadrupeds
Charles Darwin wrote a book called Geological Observations on South America. Since Fitzroy needed to carry out intensive and extensive coastal mapping in South America, and Darwin was, at heart, a geologist more than anything else (at least during the Beagle’s voyage), this meant that Darwin would become the world’s expert on South American geology. Much of The Voyage is about his expeditions and observations. Part of this, of course, was figuring out the paleontology of the region. Continue reading Darwin and the Voyage: 09 ~ Fossil Quadrupeds
Florida Yokels Force Religion on Public School Children
Yet another group of slack jawed yokels in some backwater school district want to force their religious beliefs on children in their local school district. This time it’s Nassau County.
“The theory of evolution falls short here since it cannot be observed, hasn’t been repeated and cannot be tested,” Marjorie Ramseur told School Board members. “I applaud you for taking a stand on this issue. If you’re going to teach evolution, please teach all of it.”
Not All Floridians Are Inbred Slack Jawed Yokels
Certain Bloggers have been giving Floridians a hard time because of the opposition to teaching science in public science classrooms. Shame on those bloggers. (See here and here for examples). There are some local school districts in Florida that insist that excellent science, and not creationism or religion of any kind, be taught in public schools. Continue reading Not All Floridians Are Inbred Slack Jawed Yokels
Evolution: The Mind’s Big Bang
Evolution: The Mind’s Big BangI’ve known Shea for years … since before grad school. Going out drinking with this guy was a little dangerous. Almost as dangerous as going out drinking with me.
Artificial and Natural Selection in Cosmos
A classic:
Florida Poll: Only 22 percent say teach evolution only
A survey conducted by the St. Petersburg Times shows that half of the respondents want “only faith-based theories such as creationism or intelligent design” taught in public school classrooms, and only 22 percent want evolution-only life science curriculum.
Continue reading Florida Poll: Only 22 percent say teach evolution only
Charles Darwin – Notebooks
Darwin published hundreds of pages of text, but he also kept notebooks many of which come down to us today. They can be roughly divided into two aspects, the Beagle field notebooks of 1831 – 1836, and his later notes. Sometimes these notes are found in a single book, and one way they are told apart (when otherwise undated) is by the orientation of the notes themselves. Darwin wrote “portrait” style in the field, but “landscape” style in the lab. Continue reading Charles Darwin – Notebooks
Charles Darwin – Finches
Darwin’s finches are a classic and historically important example of a species radiation (sometimes called an “adaptive” radiation, but that implies a specific assertion about the cause of the radiation which may not be appropriate in all cases). During the five weeks that Darwin spent on the Galapagos in September, 1835, he made a number of observations of these birds, but they did not occupy his time or attention more than any other aspect of this remarkable archipelago of islands. It seems that Darwin did not recognize all of the finches as finches, thinking some were of an entirely different group of birds, and in some cases, the variety seen across some of 13 or so species was initially interpreted by Darwin to represent a notably large range of variation in a single species. Please remember, Darwin was a rock man more than he was a bird man, at the time. Continue reading Charles Darwin – Finches
Local Florida School Board Rejects Modern Science
On Wednesday the Bay District School Board voted to sign a resolution saying it does not agree with the proposed science standards as they are currently written.
Continue reading Local Florida School Board Rejects Modern Science
Where Darwinism Leads
What would happen if the Discovery Institute view of Darwinism was True: Continue reading Where Darwinism Leads
Darwin and the Voyage: 07 ~ South of the Tropics
Eventually, the Beagle headed south to the area of Uruguay and Argentina, still on the Atlantic Coast, where extensive mapping of the coastal waters was required. Continue reading Darwin and the Voyage: 07 ~ South of the Tropics
Proof that Noah’s Ark was Real
One of the most compelling argument that the story of Noah’s Ark is made up is the implausibility of having animals like tigers and lions together with animals like lambs and deer on the same boat for very long. The big carnivores would eventually eat the little cute furry things. The bunnies would be the first to go. But new evidence, shown on the Miracle Pet Show disproves this objection. Continue reading Proof that Noah’s Ark was Real
What is a disease?
“Disease” is a big word. I’d like to address this question by focusing on the difference, or lack of difference, between a poison, a disease, and a yummy thing to eat. It turns out that they may all be the same. Yet different. Continue reading What is a disease?