Well, it is a good thing that I have a thick skin and a good sense of humor, or I would be very put off by Larry Moran and probably T. Ryan Gregory as well.Apparently, I stepped into an ongoing partially ad hominem debate over “Junk DNA” centering on the work of John Mattick and his research group. In this post, I’d like to provide a clarification of my “position” on Junk DNA, and I’ll spend a moment admonishing my colleagues for being dorks. Continue reading Moran, Gregory, Give me a Break!
Tag Archives: Evolution
Genes are only part of the story: ncRNA does stuff
You know that organisms develop, grow, and function in part because genes code for proteins that form the building blocks of life or that function as working bioactive molecules (like enzymes). You also know that most DNA is junk, only a couple percent actually coding for anything useful. Most importantly, however, you know that everything you know is wrong. Right? Continue reading Genes are only part of the story: ncRNA does stuff
2007 Darwin Awards, and other matters
The 2007 Darwin Awards are out, and can be found here. [hat tip Afarensis!]I have no comment, except that I’m glad I’m not on them this year. And believe me, it was a close call…. Especially after what happened last night. Continue reading 2007 Darwin Awards, and other matters
Happy Birthday Alfred Russel Wallace
We are reminded, via Mousie Cat at Evolving in Kansas, that Yesterday (I’m so embarrassed I missed this) was Alfred Russel Wallace’s birthday!Wallace was born in 1823.
We should now clearly recognise the fact, that the wealth and knowledge and culture of the few do not constitute civilization, and do not of themselves advance us towards the “perfect social state.” Our vast manufacturing system, our gigantic commerce, our crowded towns and cities, support and continually renew a mass of human misery and crime absolutely greater than has ever existed before. They create and maintain in life-long labour an ever-increasing army, whose lot is the more hard to bear, by contrast with the pleasures, the comforts, and the luxury which they see everywhere around them, but which they can never hope to enjoy; and who, in this respect, are worse off than the savage in the midst of his tribe.- A.R. Wallace in The Malay Archipelago, 1869.
The conclusion from these three independent proofs, which enforce each other in the multiple ratio of their respective weights, is therefore irresistible–that animal life, especially in its higher forms, cannot exist on the planet.Mars, therefore, is not only uninhabited by intelligent beings such as Mr. Lowell postulates, but is absolutely UNINHABITABLE.- A.R. Wallace in Is Mars Habitable? 1908
Evolution and Politics in Florida
Florida has a purifying effect on politicians. Around the nation, there is a range of opinion among politicians about science education and other issues, but it seems that in Florida, we have a purified strain of politicians. They are pure idiots. Continue reading Evolution and Politics in Florida
Why cooperate?
Cooperation in nature is very common, and papers about how unlikely cooperation in nature would be are also common. Especially in Nature. (The Journal.) Continue reading Why cooperate?
Florida: Evolution could be coming to a classroom near you…
The latest on the Florida fight over the use of the actual word “evolution” in the classroom. (Or, more specifically, in the science standards) Continue reading Florida: Evolution could be coming to a classroom near you…
More Florida Creationism Woes
Sure, the Taylor County school board was apparently the first to pass a resolution complaining about evolution, but they’re not the only one.Two more counties passed resolutions, too: Baker County and Holmes County.
Florida Citizens for Science and Dispatches from the Culture Wars are covering this.
The Island Effect in Dinosaurs
Everyone these days knows about the “island effect” where certain animals evolve to a diminutive size because they live on islands. You know this because of the Flores hominid. Now, it has been shown to have operated in a dinosaur. Continue reading The Island Effect in Dinosaurs
Why is There no Birth Control Pill for Men?
Why is there no Birth Control Pill for men?This latest “Ask a ScienceBlogger” question will certainly engender a wide range of responses from the Scienceblogs.com team. Answers may address physiology, endocrinology, pharmacology, economics, and other areas of scientific thinking and practice. The answer I’d like to propose can be summed up in two closely linked words pilfered from the question itself: Continue reading Why is There no Birth Control Pill for Men?
Lysenko would be so proud…
A glow in the dark pig has given birth to more glow in the dark pigs. Continue reading Lysenko would be so proud…
Lamarckian Mechanism in Ciliates
A group of scientists … has uncovered a new biological mechanism that could provide a clearer window into a cell’s inner workings…..What’s more, this mechanism could represent an “epigenetic” pathway — a route that bypasses an organism’s normal DNA genetic program — for so-called Lamarckian evolution, enabling an organism to pass on to its offspring characteristics acquired during its lifetime to improve their chances for survival.
Florida Hearings on Evolution vs. Creationism
An update on the hearings. Continue reading Florida Hearings on Evolution vs. Creationism
Evo Creo Poll
Thoughtful analysis on a recent poll regarding Evolution vs. Creationism. Continue reading Evo Creo Poll
Avalon and the origin of multicellular life
New research published in Science on the origins of multicellular life reveals an interesting pattern. The Cambrian Explosion may have been samosamo. Continue reading Avalon and the origin of multicellular life