This is the second in a series of reposts from on global warming.
Why Greenhouses have nothing to do with the Greenhouse Effect, and more importantly, why CAN’T I microwave toast?
A greenhouse is a glass house that is sealed to keep air in and insulated to keep heat in but at the same time allow sunlight in. This sunlight contributes to the heat in the greenhouse by warming the ground or other material in the greenhouse, and of course the light energy is used by the plants. But the point of a greenhouse is to keep air that is warmed, by the sun and/or heaters that may be required in the greenhouse, from wafting away.
This is not how the so-called “greenhouse” effect works. There is no thing out there keeping warm air from wafting away from the planet. The air just stays there, greenhouse effect or not, moving around and doing the weather thing, and looking blue much of the time.
Continue reading Global Warming, the Blog Epic ~ 02 ~ Greenhouse Effect, Greenhouse Gas