Photographer Jesse Cancelmo was struck by the general lack of understanding of the sea life and ecology of the Gulf of Mexico that became apparent with the big oil spill in 2010, and this inspired him to carry out a major photographic project in the Gulf.
He felt many had written off the Gulf as a post-environmental disaster dead zone. While environmental effects in the Gulf are certainly very important, it is still a living, thriving ecosystem, the product of Candelmo’s work, Glorious Gulf of Mexico: Life Below the Blue
, attests to this.
This is a stunning coffee table type book (but inexpensive, and soft bound) with some really amazing photography. Anybody who works, lives, fishes, dives, or just hangs out along the Gulf will enjoy this book. The book is 156 pages, large format, printed on nice paper, excellent photographic imagery.
This is not just a pretty picture book, but also provides very well written and interesting information on the various subjects of the photographs.
Cancelmo is also the author of Texas Coral Reefs.