Tag Archives: Creationism
More bad news from Louisiana
The Louisiana Science Education Act opened the door for creationism to be taught in the state’s public schools, and now the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education is propping the door open, the Louisiana Coalition for Science charges. In a September 28, 2009, press release, the LCS noted, “On September 16, the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) ignored the recommendations of science education professionals in the Louisiana Department of Education (DOE) and allowed the Louisiana Family Forum (LFF), a Religious Right lobbying group, to dictate the procedure concerning complaints about creationist supplementary materials used in public school science classes under the 2008 Louisiana Science Education Act (LSEA).”
Read the details at the NCSE
Saudi Cleric: Drop Evolution from the Curriculum
The Medieval Religious State of Saudi Arabia has a school called King Abdullah’s University of Science and Technology, which is co-ed (that is an extraordinarily progressive idea for Teh Kingdom) and very science oriented. The idea, obviously, is for Saudi Arabia to maintain it’s old patriarchal relgious-oligarchic ways but at the same time not get mushed by the modern world by including some rational thinking and stuff. But a senior Saudi cleric has called for a vetting of the university’s curriculum in order to remove “alien ideologies.”
Evolution is an alien ideology, apparently.
Continue reading Saudi Cleric: Drop Evolution from the Curriculum
Who is your creator?
You’ve heard of Who is Your Creator. I first discussed them back on Oh Six. Then, they came up again in Oh Seven.
Then we heard from them more recently: New Creationist Videos Being Produced in Area High School. When I contacted them to ask about what high school was producing the creationist videos, I was told that I was not allowed to know that because I was part of the opposition.
Well, the latest news has just come down the pipes regarding Who is Your Creator Dot Com:
The Scientific Case for Intelligent Design
A lecture, by Dr. Don Bierle of FaithSearch International…. Sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ at UW-Superior. Dr. Bierle is a “former skeptic” and everything.
Kathryn Ohman Theater, McCaskill Hall
U. Wisconsin-Superior
Superior, WI 54880
10/04/2009 · 07:00 PM – 09:00 PM · (715) 394-8320
Creation (the movie) Now Has US Distributor
The new film about Darwin, Creation, will be distributed in the United States after all, according to a story in the Hollywood Reporter (September 24, 2009). The film is expected to be released by Newmarket Films in December 2009. Earlier the producer of the film, Jeremy Thomas, lamented to the Telegraph (September 11, 2009), “It has got a deal everywhere else in the world but in the US, and it’s because of what the film is about. … It is unbelievable to us that this is still a really hot potato in America.” A few days later, however, NBC Bay Area (September 15, 2009) reported that a distribution deal was imminent.
Origin of Stupididty
TenderThunderfoot’s Bitch Writes Darwin’s Book.
Hat Tip: Davem
Kirk Cameron: “An entire generation brainwashed by atheistic evolution”
Yay!!! Wooohooo!! Yipeeeee!!!!
OK, let’s see what Kirk has to say about it:
Poll: Should educators be fined or jailed for offering prayer in public schools?
WPTV.COM has a poll asking “Should educators be fined or jailed for offering prayer in public schools?” and the possible answers are “yes” and “no.” Which I guess means they are not really asking an “either/or” question although it is worded that way. Anyway, this relates to THIS STORY about people who work for a school system who are currently in trouble for contempt of court. Contempt of court is a jail-able offense, and it is NOT “offering prayer in public schools.”
Of course, it is true that these individuals were originally in trouble for violating the First Amendment Rights of the children and others in the school system they work for, and for mixing church/state business. They were ordered by a judge to stop doing that, they defied the order, and that is what got them in trouble.
Anyway this is a poll you might want to visit, but don’t just vote; Comment also. Let the poll-maker know that they are not really asking the right question.
The Poll is Here. It is currently at 10.6 percent yest, 89.4 percent no.
Why are most Americans creationists?
We know there is a link between education, church going behavior, and the inability or unwillingness to accept that evolution is real and that humans evolved. But what exactly is the relationship? I think the following diagram includes the correct answer, but I’m not sure which one it is:
This film is being kept out of US theaters
… Or so I’m told.
Chris Holmlund says of “Creation” in an email:
“The film was chosen to open the Toronto Film Festival and has its British premiere on Sunday. It has been sold in almost every territory around the world, from Australia to Scandinavia. However, US distributors have resolutely passed on a film which will prove hugely divisive in a country where, according to a Gallup poll conducted in February, only 39 % of Americans believe in the theory of evolution.”
Here’s a trailer:
Continue reading This film is being kept out of US theaters
The Blogginheads.tv Controversy
Since the bloggingheads “diavlog” with David Dobbs and me was the first science-oriented installment to come out (more or less) since the repudiation of Bloggingheads.tv by Carl Zimmer and Sean Carrol, and now Phil Plait and PZ Myers, I think I should say something about why I did it and what I think about the whole thing.
Continue reading The Blogginheads.tv Controversy
Back to school: Books on Creationism
If you are a teacher or a parent you may find some of these books especially useful to: a) prepare yourself; b) give to your child’s teacher or a colleague; or c) give to a school administrator. Seriously.
Each link is to a review of the book to help you decide if you are interested.
Creationism/Evolution blog posts, etc.
The following are links to selected posts on this blog that are related to science education or the evolution-creationism ‘debate.’
Chris Comer Appeals Creationism Related Ruling
Chris Comer was the Director of Science with the Texas Educaiton Agency until she was forced to resign in November of 2007. That happened because she disseminated information about an upcoming talk that would likely be critical of creationism. She was fired because the TEA (hee hee he said …. “tea”) claimed a “neutrality” policy and claimed that Chris had broken the policy. Her reference, via email, to the upcoming talk was an endorsement of … OMG! Evolution! Evolution over Creationism!!!
Yes folks, you read that right. Chis Comer was effectively fired from her job as director of Science of the TEA because she gave the vaguest hint that she supported evolution over creationism. I’m sure you already know that story.
Anyway, she sued, and the court in which she sued ruled against her because that court did not feel that her claim … that the TEA had violated the establishment clause … was valid.
Truthfully, this is a tricky one. The court ruling against her in this case did not mean much regarding church and state or evolution vs. creationism.
Well, Chris Comer has filed an appeal in the US Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit. The appeal was filed on August 6th and asks for …
…review the record de novo and reverse and vacate the district court’s decision. Specifically, it should grant Comer’s motion for summary judgment, and vacate the grant of summary judgment for defendants, as well as the dismissal of plaintiff’s complaint. At a minimum, this Court should vacate the grant of summary judgment to defendants, plus the order dismissing the complaint, and remand for further proceedings.
Here is the original ruling.
Here is the appeal.
You can see a summary of this story here. As soon as I hear more I’ll let you know .