Time for another installment of our look at the book Learning the bash Shell (In a Nutshell (O’Reilly)). Today’s foray into Linux Land: Unix Command Substitution. Continue reading Learning the bash shell, third look
Tag Archives: Computer Tricks
Learning the bash shell, continued
I started this discussion a while back, and not it is time to continue it.The Bourne Again Shell, bash, is the default command-line shell in Ubuntu and many *nix (Unix, Linux, etc.) systems. You can think of the shell as the most direct way to get into your operating system, and you can think of shell scripts (‘programs’ in essence) as macros that can automate computerized tasks. Continue reading Learning the bash shell, continued
Linux Magic
Let’s say you want to make a directory tree in Linux a few directories deep. You could do this:greg@greg-laptop:~$ mkdir tstgreg@greg-laptop:~$ cd tstgreg@greg-laptop:~/tst$ mkdir tstdeepergreg@greg-laptop:~/tst$ cd tstdeepergreg@greg-laptop:~/tst/tstdeeper$ mkdir evendeepergreg@greg-laptop:~/tst/tstdeeper$ cd evendeepergreg@greg-laptop:~/tst/tstdeeper/evendeeper$
Or, you could be smart and do this: Continue reading Linux Magic
Movable Type Bloggers: A Neat Tip
This is for Linux users, but there are ways to implement it on Windows and Mac boxes (but you are on your own.)If you use the movable type interface, you will know that when you generate a “Create New Entry” page, the current date is placed in the “Entry Date” filed. But, as time passes, that date does not change. So, if you work on this post for an hour, the date of your post is now an hour stale. You get the point.To fix this, you need to adjust the date before you “Publish” the post. But the date has to be in exactly the same format. And the time zone you are publishing on may not be the time zone you live in. And so on.I have a solution. Continue reading Movable Type Bloggers: A Neat Tip
R 2.6.2 is released
This is not a big deal … it is mainly a bug-busting maintenance release with a few new features (listed below). I mention it, however, to remind you that R exists.R is in my view the most versatile and powerful statistical system available. Many people say it has a steep learning curve, but I think this is because it does not have a commonly used graphical user interface. In fact, if you are doing serious statistics, R is not harder to learn than any other professional system. Continue reading R 2.6.2 is released
Learning the Bash Shell
For the most part, computer operating systems all have a “shell.” When people talk about the “command line” … they are talking about the prompt in a shell. The concept of a shell, and the way we think of a shell today mostly stems from its implementation on Unix systems. A shell is a computer program that has a human interface and a number of built in or accessible functions (mostly other programs) that humans can invoke to make the computer do something. On ‘servers’ and on most computers back in the old days, the shell would typically appear as a prompt on a computer screen, and that would be all you would get. You type stuff in, and the computer types stuff as well, and between the two of you, stuff happens. On a computer with a graphical user interface (GUI), there is still a shell, but it looks different. The shell is less tangible to the human user, but the GUI itself is a program that provides the user interface, and it may either be the shell itself or it may be invoked automatically as the computer starts up by the shell. Continue reading Learning the Bash Shell
Linux X Server
To most desktop computer users, the difference between two “systems” (Linux, Windows, Mac, etc.) is in what you see when you turn the computer on, what you can click on with your mouse, how files are visually organized and manipulated, how menus work, and so on. This is the “look and feel” of a system. Since the “look and feel” has to do with how you actually use the computer, this can be the most important factor to a user choosing a system. But the “system” itself may have little to do with these differences.If you choose a Mac, you get a certain look and feel. If you choose Windows XP, you get a different look and feel. If you choose Vista, you get yet another. But if you choose “Linux,” you are able to choose among a wide range of LookAndFeels. Continue reading Linux X Server
What to do if you have too much data?
Austringer has an interesting, even enviable, problem. He needs to make an X-Y data plot, but he has 5.2 million data points. Continue reading What to do if you have too much data?
Speaking of Technology …
Xii Monitor, a French web survey company, came out with the 2007 market share statistics, with interesting news about the Firefox browser. The Open Source browser’s market share has climbed to 28 percent of the European market, mostly at the expense of Microsoft Internet Explorer. The trend for the year shows a steady increase [source].Speaking of Microsoft, apparently executives at the behemoth are accusing IBM of being the prime mover in the recent global war against the Office Open XML ‘standard.’ According Microsoft’s senior director of XML technology, Jean Paoli, “Let’s be very clear … It has been fostered by a single company — IBM. If it was not for IBM, it would have been business as usual for this standard.” Nicos Tsilas, Microsoft’s director of interoperability and IP policy added, “They have made this a religious and highly political debate … They are doing this because it is advancing their business model. Over 50 percent of IBM’s revenues come from consulting services.”Microsoft executives also implicated “the likes of” (a phrase that may cause some alarm) the Free Software Foundation in this lobbying effort. Is this some sort of strategic rhetoric, or is it really the case that Microsoft does not get it? Is the megacompany aware of the fact that they are so annoying that everyone hates them? [ story here]Speaking of being annoying, tech-geek publisher O’Reilly has recently released the latest book in their “annoyances” series. I won’t be needing a copy of Windows Vista Annoyances: Tips, Secrets, and Hacks
, but perhaps you will.And, as long as we are on the subject of annoyances, have a look at MythBusters’ “7 Tech Headaches and How to Fix Them.” My favorite? “Computer operating systems loaded with stuff I don’t want and will never use.” The solution? ” Switch to a Linux-based OS such as Ubuntu. Since most Linux OSs are free, there’s no business reason to bloat up the system with feature frills.”
Technology News
Fixing your Fotos; More on Y2K38; KDE 4 Continue reading Technology News
A little python app for the lonely Linux user
No friends? Not even a pet? Feeling lonely? Can’t get a date? Get Python Solitaire. It will run on any system that has Python. Python is run of the mill for Linux installations, is used a lot on Macs, and is available for Windows. Continue reading A little python app for the lonely Linux user
That Hard To Find textinfo info (Linux)
Ubuntu Logo Linux (and OS X?) has piles of cool GNU software installed. But what does it do, and how to you find out about it?If you are not a geek, do not read further. Go away and do something GUI. We’ll catch up with you later… Continue reading That Hard To Find textinfo info (Linux)
How to organize your papers
I would like to respond to a post, Ask Science Woman: How do I organize journal articles?, by Science Woman. I think this is a very important topic for all aspiring scholars. Science Woman’s advice is excellent. I have just a few suggestions to add. Continue reading How to organize your papers
Techno Tips and News
Text based internet browsing; Brute-force dual booting; Gnome may kill KDE; Backup your Linux stuff. Continue reading Techno Tips and News
Capturing the Elusive Streaming Video
How to convert a YouTube or Google streaming video into a file that you can put in your pocket and carry around with you.
The Problem: Streaming Video is not enough.
Do you need to save a Youtube or Google video into a file? I’m not sure about the legality or practicality of doing this, so anything you read here could break your computer or get you arrested, that’s up to you.
I know I do this some times for a very good reason. My wife is a school teacher, and schools are run by reality-blind bureaucrats who come up with things like “zero tolerance” policies … so of course, most schools seem to have blocking of almost all useful Internet content, especially and including Google Videos and Youtube. So, if Amanda wants to show some useful video to her students, she can’t. The bureaucrats are happy, the students are uneducated. Whatever.