Here I have just a few suggestions for science books for the kiddos. See this post for the adult version.
The Outdoor Science Lab for Kids and the other books in the same series are excellent, highly recommended, and reviewed here.
Treecology is also a science activity book that people seem to love. Chance are you already have it. Obviously, it focuses on trees, but that does not stop it from being year round, and there are, of course, many non-tree things that relate to trees, and that stuff is covered as well. My review.
Electronics for Kids and The Arduino Project Handbook are great DIY books, the first explicitly for kids, and the second for older kids or adults, or younger kids working with older kids. Click the links to see my reviews.
For kids into math and related fields, check out the Manga guides. Here, I review the latest one on Regression Analysis, and in that post, I’ve got a list of the others.
For smaller kids, there is a new (early last year) David Macaulay book on machines. The book itself is, in fact, a machine.
I used Electronics for Kids in a class on electricity for 15 children age 9-12 years. We did four of the projects: how to light a lightbulb, the electromotor, the electromagnet and the lemonbattery.
The kids loved it! But they were a bit surprised that reality is harsh and difficult. Most children live in a cartoon-world were the forces of nature are taken very l (bind two feathers on your arm and off you fly).
One thing. Building the electromotor learned us that theisolated wire used in the book doesnot work. Either your coil is to heavy or it is to weak if you create less windings.
Ihope adding a link will not disturb anything, so here goes (click on the picture for an mp4):
Nice, thanks for that link.
When I was a kid I had a book — oh heck, I still have it — called Morse, Marconi and You.
It relies on technologies that predate arduino by decades, of course. But what I like about it even now is that by using that kind of tech it can get into the real theories and workings of stuff like radios. The fancier, more recent electronics tend to mask that.
So you get to build an actual radio with copper wire, some wood, and a few resistors and diodes that you can get for a few cents.
Among the projects in M, M& You : building a light-beam communications device, building a radio, simple induction coils. Eventually it works its way up to a transmitter.
And you can still build a foxhole radio with a diode and an old rotary phone 🙂
Jesse, I don’t know that book, but it sounds great. Possibly available here, used.
Back in the day I built a lot of radios and phones using old parts.
That’s the one! It also taught me how to read a circuit diagram. You can’t get the old dry cells anymore I don’t think, but big 12-volts are pretty common still for flashlights and the like.
Apparently you could for a while, but just the labels now.
You should add ‘Grandmother Fish’ to this list! 🙂
Lots of people say that science books are boring, but for me, science is one of the keys to learning anything and everything. In this way, our children can build up their imagination and it can help them learn and experiment with things. They can also have fun and enjoy while learning their science activities. It’s good also to add science curriculum for your children’s learning books.