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His name seems to have dropped out of contention for the Republican nomination too – which is kinda surprising given that being a bullying arsehole means he’d fit right in!
As this page points out :
with a long list of examples (yet face it we already know and have done for ages) the Republicans have long been the party of bullies and wealthy thugs.
Christie is your typical Right Wing Authoritarian, but with the added bonus of having Mafia written all over him.
I Know this Italian-American type; I’ve had the misfortune to be dominated by them in the workplace.
A narcissist who’s full of himself with Serious anger-control problems; he’ll basically do anything he can get away with behind the backs of people–and if caught he’ll play the innocent and blame someone else. He talks tough and acts tough–and apparently that’s sufficient to get peoples’ attention (the ones who call that “leadership” ability). But if you piss this guy off, even look at him the wrong way–he’ll go out of his way to get you, with all that bottled-up Anger so prevalent in the Italian-American genome. This guy nurses grudges. I was saying all this a full year before “Bridgegate”–and when that happened, I said “there you go!”
This guy’s definitely not presidential material. Just like Trump, a big mouth, yet if forced I’d still vote for Trump over Christie.
Not that I’d vote for either one, being a Democrat.