Emily Atkin has an update on Jim The Moron Inhofe’s latest ranting about the “climate change hoax”.
… the speech has everything. References to the oft-debunked “ClimateGate” stolen e-mail “scandal”, a poster of a Time Magazine cover from 1974 claiming an ice age is coming, and multiple references to former Vice President Al Gore. It has a mention of a survey of weather-casters who think global warming is caused by natural variation, but does not mention that weather-casters are not climate scientists….
The video … begins a couple minutes in to Inhofe’s speech, with a quote from Richard Lindzen, a former MIT professor and one of the most-cited voices of scientists who think global warming is fake. Lindzen, an atmospheric physicist, has often been characterized as having contrarian scientific opinions. He has also said that the evidence that cigarettes cause lung cancer is not “so strong that one should rule that any questions were out of order.”
… Inhofe says he has compiled a list of 4,000 “renowned scientists” scientists who disagree (“this is all in my website,” he said). Inhofe’s list actually has 650 people, some of whom are television meteorologists, geologists, anthropologists, and even a man with no college degree.
This is the man who takes his climate science from the bible. See this on the 1970s Ice Age thing.
This is very serious matter. Politics over riding science. This being is NOT qualified for his position. The world is at stake. With the illogical that faces America and the rest of the world we have only one solution. We must dismiss these individuals and replace them with scientists.
With the type of logic being yielded in the political arena. What good is the FDA? They have concluded marijuana as a class 1 drug. This would also then place alcohol in the same class. It is 100 times more dangerous as concluded by German scientists.
I have given up on the legal, political and media. I have concluded that the Tea Party is nothing more than a Christian radical group hell bent on returning us to the days of slavery and women oppression. They are a rogue element that needs to be abolished. Forget the vote as liars are no way held liable for misleading the people in order to gain their vote. We must establish a truth in elections law as we did with lending.
Citizens United must be overturned by the people. Internal investigations MUST be warranted as illegal practice. There is no such thing as unbiased decision making when an agency investigates itself. Lets look at the facts. We are suppose to be tried by a jury of our peers. Yet that is left up to legal counsel. I know who my peers are. They have no idea. If you look at the actual wording. A criminal would be judged by a jury of criminals. They are their peers.
Stand with me and take back this country. Throw off this government that has demonstrated a long train of abuses. It is our obligation under the Constitution.