For years scholars have argued over the meaning of a small smudge in the lower right hand corner of the signature page of the US Constitution. Finally, modern graphic enhancement techniques have been applied to clarify what the smudge means, and it does, in fact, seem to mean something. What do you think?
The smudge, in the lower right hand corner, blown up and enhanced (inside red box).
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23 thoughts on “New “Signature” Found on US Constitution”
Sometimes a smudge – is more than a smudge – particularly when it appears to contain a semicolon. What kind of name contains a semicolon ???? It’s not a hyphenated name for Pete’s sake !
Well at the top of the document it states the Thirty eight Congress, which met in 1863 the smudge on that document means as much as the documentitself.
Nice joke here – but curious what if anything does it really say?
Oddly enough there are apparently at least a couple of versions of this and Thomas Jefferson wasn’t happy with the eventual one :
Thomas Jefferson was so upset with the Contnental Congress’s editing of his original Declaration of Independence that for years afterwards he sent copies of both the original and the final versions to friends and asked their opinions as towhich version they preferred.
Source : Page 141, Isaac Asimov’s Book of Facts’, Isaac Asimov, Grosset & Dunlap,1979.
Wonder what there might be hidden on Jefferson’s original!
Incidentally, whilst on matters constitutional, what a difference a comma can make! :
“Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, unless for the punishment of crime, shall ever be tolerated in this state.” Thus read the state of Michigan’s constitution in 1850. Inadvertantly, it legalised slavery as an appropriate punishment for crime. Not until 1963 was the comma shifted from its position after servitude to a position after slavery, and slavery was once again outlawed in the state.
Source : Page 198, Isaac Asimov’s Book of Facts’, Isaac Asimov, Grosset & Dunlap,1979.
Elsewhere from there – lost page number, sorry – apparently Ben Franklin (I think?) was barred from writing the Declaration of Independence because it was feared that he’d include a joke in it! Seriously!
Sometimes a smudge – is more than a smudge – particularly when it appears to contain a semicolon. What kind of name contains a semicolon ???? It’s not a hyphenated name for Pete’s sake !
Bob, I think you’d best take a little closer look at the letters around the semi-colon.
It looks to me like a cross, a ‘Christian’ fish upright, a semi-colon, and dr. So is that what it is? What does it mean?
I think that note was added by G.W.Bush.
This is a joke, right?
Really strange. Americas toughest sheriff found the same mark on Obamas birth certificate. Does this mean the the document is a fake?
Well at the top of the document it states the Thirty eight Congress, which met in 1863 the smudge on that document means as much as the documentitself.
“I’ll just write ‘tl;dr’ down here in the corner and many years from now some assholes are going to try to figure out what it means — hahahah!”
Aliens, obviously.
According to the Urban Dictionary: TL;DR = Too Long; Didn’t Read – so obviously this is just a joke…
Weird, because that same signature is on the last page of every Gideons Bible. Spooky.
That is not the signature page of the United States Constitution.
Cute. But I don’t think Abraham Lincoln signed the constitution (duh!) I’d like to know what this really is, joke aside…
Figured it out – “Article XIII” – 13th amendment, outlawing slavery.
It is actually Romney’s Great Grandfather’s Kenyan Birth Certificate with a listing of all of his wives! (It is actually the 13th amendment.)
One of the ways the internet makes me sad is how often people don’t get jokes (it’s even worse with satire and parody).
Nice joke here – but curious what if anything does it really say?
Oddly enough there are apparently at least a couple of versions of this and Thomas Jefferson wasn’t happy with the eventual one :
Source : Page 141, Isaac Asimov’s Book of Facts’, Isaac Asimov, Grosset & Dunlap,1979.
Wonder what there might be hidden on Jefferson’s original!
Incidentally, whilst on matters constitutional, what a difference a comma can make! :
Elsewhere from there – lost page number, sorry – apparently Ben Franklin (I think?) was barred from writing the Declaration of Independence because it was feared that he’d include a joke in it! Seriously!
D’oh! That third paragraph starting with Thomas Jefferson and is intended to be blockquoted. Sorry. Too late at night for me.
Dammit Greg! *cleans coffee off of table* Too freaking funny.
I’m sorry, I don’t read Voynich script.
Thanks for fixing that blockquote error Greg Laden – appreciated.