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3 thoughts on “Why do most Americans doubt AGW?”
Answer: For the exact same reason that most of them also believe that Saddam Hussain had WMDs and was involved in the 9/11 attacks.
With all due respect to Gore, who also seemed to have failed to make the AGW case, I’m not sure anyone could make the case. Between the corporations with vested interests in establishing and maintaining doubt about AGW to protect their business model, and the GOP, with a vested interest in stopping any Democrat from winning even the most obvious talking point, AGW never had a fair chance or fair hearing.
Answer: For the exact same reason that most of them also believe that Saddam Hussain had WMDs and was involved in the 9/11 attacks.
With all due respect to Gore, who also seemed to have failed to make the AGW case, I’m not sure anyone could make the case. Between the corporations with vested interests in establishing and maintaining doubt about AGW to protect their business model, and the GOP, with a vested interest in stopping any Democrat from winning even the most obvious talking point, AGW never had a fair chance or fair hearing.
“Most Americans” don’t. But the noisiest ones do.