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6 thoughts on “Get Ready for Global Water Dances”
I’m afraid that I am completely not ready. I’m failing entirely in the preparedness department.
Yes, it’s all New-Agey and stuff, but the does not negate the need for people around the world to have access to clean potable water. Up here on the shores of Lake Superior, we’ve been feeling the pressure for years. We’ve had proposals for a pipeline to send our water to the southwestern US for years. And once upon a time, some great thinker proposed selling Lake Superior water to Saudi Arabia. I am hoping the the Great Lakes compact signed with Canada will prevent the madness.
We attended the one last year on the Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis. It was a bit new agey, but also some fun. I wished they had had more dancers. The event did make me appreciate the river more, and it was cool to realize this was happening around the world.
I’m afraid that I am completely not ready. I’m failing entirely in the preparedness department.
I suggest that you start yoga or something right now.
Yes, it’s all New-Agey and stuff, but the does not negate the need for people around the world to have access to clean potable water. Up here on the shores of Lake Superior, we’ve been feeling the pressure for years. We’ve had proposals for a pipeline to send our water to the southwestern US for years. And once upon a time, some great thinker proposed selling Lake Superior water to Saudi Arabia. I am hoping the the Great Lakes compact signed with Canada will prevent the madness.
We attended the one last year on the Stone Arch Bridge in Minneapolis. It was a bit new agey, but also some fun. I wished they had had more dancers. The event did make me appreciate the river more, and it was cool to realize this was happening around the world.
Song says: “This water is God’s great love”?
Water is certainly a common grace and demonstrates God’s love, true. However, many would argue the gift of grace giving eternal redemption is greater.
Are those dances worshiping God’s love?
Yeah, that part sucks. The organization that runs this is not a religious organization, however.