Your cat can be a knickknack.
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No, no she can’t.
Does mummification count against, or for, 1 of the 9 lives?
I think this is just sad. It’s like an admission your life is over, the idea that you’re going to have the same dead cat forever. I mean, I’ve got an awesome damn cat, one who I’m fairly certain will not be matched by another other cat I get. But I think she deserves better than to be remembered as that creepy knickknack in the corner.
Plus, I think this is gross from a moral imperitive. I have a cat because I love cats, I care for them, I want them to have a good life. When my kitty passes, I’m pretty sure she’d rather see me rescue another helpless kitten rather than keep giving my love to her lifeless corpse.
My old kitty is naturally mummified. I checked.
My cats already are knickknacks (practically).