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My son and I heard this story on the radio yesterday as I was driving him to a dentist appointment. He commented that it sounded like something from a James Bond movie. I had to agree.
So what happens if Iran retaliates and starts assassinating US or, more likely, Israeli scientists? Could get really nasty.
I don’t really think Iran really has the capacity for it, unless they go after scientists visiting Iran (if that even happens). Even if they had the capacity, I doubt they’d do it.
Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Iran knew that it wasn’t the US or Israel and blamed them anyways. Then again, I also wouldn’t be surprised if Israel really was behind it.
The usual parties have their own usual suspects. Iranian anti-zionists blame the Israelis and this is the conventional wisdom for most. But there are many other active, lethal, animosities that are playing out. Other conflicts include: Shea-Sunni, Arab-Asian, Taliban-Centralized Shea, ruling party-Iranian reformers. There is even the claim seen in the conspiracy prone middle-eastern press that it was the more militant wing of the Iranian government killing off a pro-democracy leader, delaying reform, and manufacturing an excuse to break off talks about their nuclear program.
Art, while there are certainly opposition groups in Iran, I just don’t see why they would have an interest in targeting nuclear scientists of all people. Even among the opposition support for the nuclear program in Iran is strong.
Israel has a history of carrying out assassinations abroad and some of their officials have almost admitted they did it, so they are a very likely culprit, although they may have paid MEK or some similar group to carry out the deed. (And in a sense it doesn’t matter who is responsible, only who the Iranian government thinks did it).
Iran may find it hard to attack scientists inside Israel, but scientists travel a lot and will be more vulnerable in other countries.
This was a new twist. Mossad agents has been posing as CIA to recruit Pakistani terrorists to attack Iran.
World war 3 beginns soon ,with an attack to iran.