PROTECT IP Act Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.
In Search of Sungudogo by Greg Laden, now in
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time for new dns root servers outside usa and vassal states
I can’t help but think that this has been accelerated by OWS and it’s powerful use of the interwebs.
I didn’t see the news – was the RIAA/MPAA/US Chamber of Commerce Act approved? I thought the Mickey Mouse Act (copyright extension to artist’s death +150 years) was bad enough. I guess the USA is all about protecting corporations these days. People should simply stop buying music and watching crappy movies until the prices are sensible and the distributors don’t act as if every customer was a thief.
That’s some hardcore censorship, what happened to “fair use” when you use the copyrighted materials for, history, educational, informational, reviewing and critical purposes?
If it passes, Anon will most likely DDoS the MPAA websites.