Productivity Future Vision (2011)

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What they say we get:

What we actually get:

1) 35% of every viewable surface of everything is an ad. Including the sky and the moon.
2) The technology pauses for several seconds every now and then because, well, it never works like on the ad.
3) A new EULA pops up several times a day asking you to approve a 43 page document and re-enter your passwords.
4) Passwords have become a minimum of 64 items long with a least 7 numbers, 7 symbols, and 7 difficult to remember hand and foot gestures.
5) The entire interface changes half way through and the rest of the video is people contacting each other to complain about the interface having just changed.

H/T: Joe

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7 thoughts on “Productivity Future Vision (2011)

  1. The only way that I can see this occurring is if the entire thing is maintained as a separate-from-the-internet, government-funded infrastructure and identity is confirmed via fingerprint or other bio-geometric scanning that actually works.

    Otherwise, yes.

  2. #2 just happened to me.

    Slightly OT: Watching a DVD last night with VLC, I noticed that it completely skipped the FBI warning that the other device with the dying battery forced me to wait through. Open Source, because it only works right if you can do it yourself.

  3. Battery runs out when you fall asleep on plane playing tetris. Upon arrival at Johannesburg Airport, all shops are closed and you don’t have the proper plug. You have no idea what hotel your reservation is for, nor where your meeting is the next day. You try to call home but your battery is dead.


  4. It was painfully boring; couldn’t they make it just 30s? Transparent electronics and displays that operate to their edge … suuuure.

    @Dave X: Unfortunately, as with the CDs, it seems that corrupted DVDs are being produced which don’t work well with VLC+libdvdcss. And now there’s Blu-Ray, with even less choice than ever.

  5. seems the future is either tamper-proof, or people are all encrypted with some sort of society-induced PITA. Overall, great ideas, however I am still waiting for the day.

  6. Yawn. Why is everything in the future controlled by the iron fist of a single art director? Why is the music the iTunes version of Muzak? This is a vision of hell.

  7. Notice that none of these people actually makes anything, or does anything physical.

    Also: I find it horrific, that you are expected to work 24 hours a day.

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