Let’s just hope this does not lead to anyone … targeting anyone.
Media Matters reports:
The National Rifle Association (NRA) finally found a gun related conspiracy theory they don’t want circulating around the internet; one targeting the NRA and their legislative efforts. According to the NRA, other pro-gun groups are trying to get noticed and raise money by spreading “ridiculous” “mischaracterizations” about NRA-backed H.R. 822, the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act.
If these gun groups are advancing conspiratorial misinformation to raise money, then it’s not hard to figure out where they could have gotten the idea. In recent months the NRA has continued to put out e-mails warning of black helicopter style schemes by the United Nations to go after guns in America, accused President Obama of plotting to “destroy the Second Amendment” by not pursuing gun control, and used the memory of 9-11 terrorist attacks to raise money. … Read the rest here.
Shark: Jumped.
Perhaps some perspective would be in order?
How about if only Cops have guns?