But then, they came up with this, which simply CAN NOT BE TRUE:

No way is there a Cyclops Shark!
In Search of Sungudogo by Greg Laden, now in
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It’s too bad the picture you post is cropped where it is: the picture at the natgeo link makes it look as though it is grinning, in a rather Halloween-like way.
Still, pretty cool.
I’m trying to not duplicate the photograph, but rather, report on what the web site looks like. In a parody.
The headline would be more accurate to say “mutant shark embryo found”
It is a missing link shark.
critters and people with that cyclopism birth defect tend not to live long.
I thought the eye was the mouth and was looking for that one eye.
I got the parody – wasn’t trying to be snotty and if it came that way I apologize. I just though the “smile” would add to the kookiness.
See my post:
No. Dear god, NO!
What will there be next??
Angela, if the burnt offerings to Poseidon recommence, nothing.
Now that’s some eyetooth!