According to this poll, most people do. But still not enough.

See also this.
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You know the poll’s been Pharyngulated, don’t you?
Never heard of that.
It means, before PZ posted a link to that poll, 56% said they don’t trust the flu shots. Then, his Loyal Followers followed the link and voted. So, it’s really much, much worse than you think.
I know. I was joking. Note that I link to PZ’s post.
But now, it’s all different! Yay!
I don’t distrust the flu shot, but I don’t think it’s necessary if you’re otherwise healthy and not working in a field like medicine or teaching, where your level of exposure is a lot higher. My kids eat really well and have good immune systems, and only one of my three kids has ever contracted the flu. Oddly, he and seven other people contracted it at a party we attended, and the other seven had all received flu shots. (They guessed the wrong strain to vaccinate against apparently.)
I don’t think there’s anything innately scary or dangerous about the flu shot itself, and I choose to vaccinate my kids against polio, mumps, and all that other good stuff.
Actually, while I did notice the link, certainly, I figured it was conceivable that a person might link to PZ without knowing of pharyngulation in particular. On the other hand, if I’d considered it further, I suppose it’s completely ridiculous to think that an FTB blogger wouldn’t be familiar with it. So, yeah, touche.
Randy, it was very funny to notice this morning on the TV news (which I normally avoid like the plague but was checking the weather) a reference to an online poll about something. Related to marriage, I think. They actually said “Well, it’s only an online poll, but we had 273,000 responses!”
Of course, the more responses, the more likely that some large chunk of them were from one or another unruly horde sent there by a bloggy leader to “pharyngulate” it!
By the way, the first use of the term “pharyngulate” to refer to swamping a poll or vote is here:
i don’t trust flu shots. i loaned money to a flu shot once, and it never paid me back.