Watch it now before it gets pulled:
In Search of Sungudogo by Greg Laden, now in
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I’m Shocked, Shocked I say to not hear him offer to take a steep cut in his salary for the sake of the deficit 🙂
But, of course, HIS bills are MUCH more important than MY bills!
From the viewpoint of someone in the wilds of Canuckistan that video is rather puzzling.
It surprises me not at all that someone should focus on money because I don’t think that any people on Earth are as intent on money as Americans are…but I really would have thought someone would mention healthcare.
From up here it looks like you folks are going through a really painful debate over whether poor people deserve to go bankrupt or die because they’re poor and in Canuckistan we haven’t got that problem, yet, despite Conservative efforts to make it so. And yet there’s a curious similarity betwixt your legislators and ours, apart from their absurd salaries…your legislators and ours have complete and free access to a healthcare system that most people can only dream of, and it’s publicly funded.
The root issue here isn’t whether politicians get paid too much or even whether career politicians are a Bad Thing, it’s whether folks can get their heads out of their asses long enough to see their own rational self-interest.
Whether in the US or up here there’s only one real question:
Is every man for himself the highest ideal we can aspire to as a nation? In a greater sense, isn’t that a global question?
It’a going to be a bumpy ride…
As an Wisconsin resident I am embarrased by this man. He earns $174,00.00 per year plus he gets a “gold plated” health insurance policy (free)and all he has to say is that he “struggles”. Tough! Think of those who earn minimum wage and have to purchase their own health insurance. What self-justification.
From TPM’s rss feed:
Link here.
I make about $24k a year before taxes. He can go do unspeakable things to himself.
Weren’t we also reminded recently (pleeeeze extend Bush tax cuts!) that $250000 wasn’t enough to live on?
The root issue here isn’t whether politicians get paid too much or even whether career politicians are a Bad Thing, it’s whether folks can get their heads out of their asses long enough to see their own rational self-interest.
Weren’t we also reminded recently (pleeeeze extend Bush tax cuts!) that $250000 wasn’t enough to live on?
Yes, that is in fact what that means. But, the Dems are bad at springing to their feet with the clear and concise message. Somehow that should have developed as a slogan. Our poor deprived rich people, they need welfare.
joemac53 @ #7:
Perhaps that only concerned Arizona where, as Ms. McCain pointed out, you can’t really get around without a private jet.
Gosh Ms. Mcain – you mean all those pioneers who settled AZ all had private Lear jets? Golly Gee and here I always though that Orville and his Bro were the first to have powred flight.
A rethuglican talks about his pay…of course bullshit ensues.
Thanks Dr. Laden for providing more ammo that the bullshitters will not acknowledge. At least it’s out there now.