From MoveOn:
House Republicans have declared an “emergency” today. Is it about unemployment? The situation in Libya? The disaster in Japan? Nope, it’s about defunding NPR.
They’re taking up an emergency bill that would ban any federal money from going to NPR or its affiliates.
A right-wing blogger’s hidden-camera video has NPR on the defensive, even though it was so misleadingly doctored that even Glenn Beck’s website questioned its credibility.1 But Republicans want to use this moment to take away NPR’s funding for good.
Unfortuately Moveon appears insufficently savvy to give me a link to give to you where you can do and do something. But you can call your house representative, whoever that is
“Unfortuately Moveon appears insufficently savvy to give me a link to give to you where you can do and do something.”
I would think anything related to Micheal Moore and George Soros would be “insufficently savvy” in anything they do. Really, Micheal Moore once stated that he wished America had a healthcare system like Cuba has. If that is the case, the next time lardass gets sick we should ship his lying carcass to cuba to get medical attention. The same goes for any other marxist wannabe. All these marxists socialists who want government run healthcare should be the first ones in line to recieve healthcare in cuba. Give them a taste of their own medicien.
Socialism is for the people, not the socialists. Ever notice that? Th ones advocating for something are usually te last ones to use what they fought so hard for everyone else to have. Case in point – Canadian prime minister comes to the US for a surgery. if Canada healthcare is so superior and so wonderful and perfect then why did he have to come here to get treated? Also, leaders from all over the world come to the US to get medical attention but praise their single payer system. If it is so wonderful,. then why come fly across the globe to get treated by a healthcare system you so dearly despise? Can any socialist moron answer this for me? Also, will someone please ship Micheal Moore back to cuba to stay for good? Please? Anyone? Will someone offer Castro a monetary bribe to keep Moore there the next time he shows up? Please? , like media matters and the huff & puff post are all fanatical radical left wing sights. AKA – a fraud, a scam, and a sick twisted joke played on society. Anything funded, backed, and run by old farts like soros should be mocked hourly.
@ Flower power
Your either a world class Poe champion or not so bright.
PS: I will admit the Huff Po’s health care section is pretty wooey.
@Flower power
That was a very well written, incredibly inaccurate Poe-like diatribe. Congratulations and cheers on the ironic name.
Been there, done that, liked it.
Let’s move on, please
GOP in November – We will have a laser like focus on jobs.
GOP January and there after – We have a laser like focus on paying back supporters and settling scores for real or imagined slights.
“Canadian prime minister comes to the US for a surgery. if Canada healthcare is so superior and so wonderful and perfect then why did he have to come here to get treated?”
1. Please learn the difference between Canada and the province of Newfoundland. They might look similar from really, really far away, but they’re not.
2. In Canada, you have to wait your turn for health services. Believe it OR NOT!! there are people who think they should get to go to the front of the line because they’re more important than the rest of us. Go figure.
Hi, Flower. Sweden has health care technical quality comparable to the US, only at half the price, fairly available to all, and with less paperwork. Some world leaders may be flying to the US, where excellent health care is available for the rich, but middle class workers, the ones who produce the goods and pay the taxes, do not.
In the meanwhile, US political neocon politicians try yet again to sneak their legislation through. If they represent the people, why are they always hiding what they do? If we lose NPR, we lose an important voice of sanity (even if they do pander too much to the right wing). The GOP may get away with this is because of O’Keefe’s lying videos. Why do sane or honorable people give him any credence? (Trick question – they don’t.)