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Hence the saying, “never wound a king”.
The “leader” at the top of the social power hierarchy, who achieved and maintained that power through brutality cannot be trusted to go peacefully.
If the protesters back down, they will be rounded up one at aa time.
This brings back memories. It seems familiar. kind of like when SEIU thugs were bused in to Tea Party rallies to clash with and fight the average American family. Of course the Tea Partiers never did get violent except when SEIU thugs attacked a black man (the racists) who was protesting WITH the tea party.
One more thing. When Glen Beck held his rally, the campus was left clean. no garbage left behind.
When the left had their little “reason” treason rally, all manner of filth was left behind.
It seems to me that the leftists who always bitch about the environment did the most damage to the environment in this case. Told you the whole “environment” thing was nothing but a ponze scheme.
Mubarak himself is holed up in Sharm el-Sheikh. Pussy.
SEIU thugs? I thought we were talking about something real, Mubarak’s thugs, not something made up.
BTW it’s spelled Ponzi scheme and Glenn Beck.