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3 thoughts on “Senseless Christmas Carnage”
That’s why I am not a vegetarian. I like my food dead before I eat it.
You can’t really blame the guy in red who climbed out of the smokestack. It was the cookies’ “loving” creator, who created them with the specific knowledge and intention that they should be eaten and tortured by the angel who fell from the chimney, who is ultimately responsible for their fate.
That’s why I am not a vegetarian. I like my food dead before I eat it.
You can’t really blame the guy in red who climbed out of the smokestack. It was the cookies’ “loving” creator, who created them with the specific knowledge and intention that they should be eaten and tortured by the angel who fell from the chimney, who is ultimately responsible for their fate.
I have a personal Santa who brings me cookies on Christmas and does not eat my cookies.