Monthly Archives: October 2010

Hurricane Paula

Paula has just been named a Hurricane. This is a storm that formed in the northwestern Caribbean, just east of the Yucatan. Although the storm has the potential to become quite strong from very warm surface waters, shearing winds are likely to keep Paula from becoming well organized. Forcasts as to where this storm may go are all over the place It might round the Yucatan and head west into the Gulf of Mexico; possible but unlikely. It may head west after going north for a while, and go to the Atlantic, passing between southern Florida and Cuba. It may travel over western Cuba and curve south towards the central Caribbean. In any event, Paula will sit roughly where it is, not going anywhere fast, for a few days, then likely speed up and go somewhere. And, by the time that happens, we may have a prediction of the storm’s direction that is a bit more accurate and consistent.

The strength of the storm is linked to its likely direction. A weaker storm will head off to the Atlantic, a stronger storm will head down into the Caribbean, according the discussion at the National Hurricane Center.

There are currently hurricane warnings in effect for the coast of Mexico from Punta Gruesa north to Cabo Catoche. This includes Cozumel. There is as much as a 40% chance or so that areas within this warning zone will experience hurricane force winds. Tropical storm warnings are in effect for other regions outside of this zone.

Stealth religious right candidate for the Minnesota Court of Appeals

He’s baaack…

Dan Griffith has tried this before and he’s trying it again:

Dan Griffith is running for the Minnesota Court of Appeals seat currently held by Judge Terri J. Stoneburner, and because positions and party affiliations are not part of the campaign process for judicial candidates, most voters don’t know that Griffith is a right-wing evangelical Christian who would make rulings based on his faith.

Details here Please pass it along.

Did Dave Mabus threaten to kill atheists visiting Montreal for the AAI-HC 2010 Convention?

Information about last week’s convention is here.

This is alleged to be a picture of Mabus making what looks like an “I’m shooting you with a pistol” gesture:

And this is the note he posted on my blog in which he mentiones the whole bullet in the head thing:


a bullet for your head, traitor

And finally, the *only* man in Minnesota who says there is no God has suddenly become an arbiter on mental health… COME SEE A PHOTO OF MABUS AND AN EXPLANATION OF IT!

Mabus never really worried me before, but this is the photograph of an obvious psychotic killer. I assume the RCMP is on top of this guy like a Mounty on a horse, and that the atheists were well protected.

Nazi-Garbed House Hopeful Nets International Notice

The party of stupid, a.k.a. Teabaggers a.k.a. Republicans a.k.a. The Million Moran March has been attracting significant international attention, which is normal because people like to laugh at American stupidities (and this is just). But I thought you’d like to see this snippet from today’s BBC:

The Iott controversy comes amid growing concern in the Republican party about the views of some candidates for the mid-term elections in November, our correspondent says.

He adds that the growth of the ultra-conservative Tea Party movement has left them with one would-be senator who has questioned the civil rights legislation in the 1960s, while another confessed to dabbling in witchcraft and suggested scientists were implanting full human brains into mice.


And now just a little comment for those of you who call yourselves “Fiscally conservative but [bla bla bla fill in some excuse for being a Republican, anything other than the truth, which would make you look like the selfish bastard that you actually are bla bla bla ]” … This is what you made for us. Shame on you. Now, if you don’t mind, could you please fix it?

How to restore the gnome panels to their default state after you mucked them up

Not that you would ever muck them up, but just in case:

Get a terminal somehow (alt+F2 if you must). Type this in:

gconftool-2 –shutdown


gconftool –recursive-unset /apps/panel

(or, both if you like)


rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel

pkill gnome-panel

that sounds like a lot of violence and killing and stuff, but it should work. Both of your panels will reappear like magic. If not, go here and complain because this is where I learned it!