Who is this Glen Beck guy? Wow.
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Sorry… the “I will kill you” part of the story is that the woman from the LOWV has been getting death threats, thanks to Beck’s show.
Who would have thought Beck and his minions would be so hot for saying a pledge written by an avowed Christian Socialist!
see, this is where my cynical side would have kicked into high gear. As soon as the boo’ing started, I would have gone along with the pledge, then I would have lead them through the national anthem. Then I would have lead them through ‘amazing grace’, then I would have lead them through ‘mary had a little lamb’….
You can’t be too thorough in your patriotic bonding with fellow nationalists…
I think “Mary had a little lamb” might be a bit too challenging for some of them.
That is the scariest nationalist witch hunting I’ve seen yet.
“What good reason is there NOT to say it in this setting”
Hey, he’s right. And what good reason is there not to say it again? I mean, if once is good, twice must be better, right? So why not just recite the pledge all night and forget about the debate? Maybe if we add a few prayers, God will come down and pick the right candidate for us.
I am outraged – OUTRAGED – that Glen Beck just sits and smiles while there is a Pledge of Allegience going on on the viewscreen. I thought he loved America, but apparently I was wrong.
P.A: Good point.
If I read this correctly, one of the debaters used his debating time to insist that everyone recite the pledge, instead of him discussing the issue.
Expect to see more of this tactic. In fact, expect the new way to say the pledge respectfully to be to slow it WAY down…
Not only was the Pledge written by a xian socialist, he didn’t include the words, “under god”. As far as I know, the Pledge has no legal standing and is never required to be cited.
Glenn Beck managed to graduate from high school, but has no other qualifications, unless you count relating bullshit on radio which is the only thing he has done.
Are the people making such a fuss about the Pledge the same ones who talk about “2nd ammendment solutions”?
Glenn Beck: “Notice she had tzar in her last name.”
What an asshole.
The Pledge of Allegiance, as it was originally written:
I Pledge Allegiance to the flag, and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. (I think there was something in there about equality too, but it was deemed to be too radical at the time.)
Don’t forget that Beck threatened to kill Michael Moore or to hire someone who would kill him.