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Charles Darwin and God – were they ever in the same room together?
No, they were never together in the same room. Darwin built god’s room though.
Weren’t God and Darwin in Tommy Wiseau’s “Room?”
The host, Peter Robinson, sure likes to move around a lot in his chair.
“Hi God”
“Hi Denny”
“You are tearing my life apart Darwin!”
Yep, I think you’re right.
Only Eugenie spoke slightly about other religions. Nobody mentioned Hinduism which must have around a billion followers. No mention either of animism. It was almost entirely based on Christian dogma.
Even then it fell short, the two faith heads had nothing to say about Lutheranism or Calvinism which both believe in predestination in one form or another. They think that their god knows what is going to happen to the end of time. The Calvinist seem to be a bit more strict than the Lutherans(the family I which brought me up)
Even though I think theology is BS, those two groups are much more consistent than the two religion defenders we saw. Either god knows what is going to happen or it doesn’t. If it doesn’t, it isn’t god.