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3 thoughts on “Did you think that the US auto industry was dead?”
Amazing what $7,500 (tax-funded) subsidies can do to help an industry…
Not that I wanted the industry to crash and burn, but I wish the folks who hate “welfare queens” would admit that car companies fit the term.
The $7,500 rebate for electric cars when these come out, pales to the Bush $100,000 write off for every accountant, lawyer or farmer that “needed” a Hummer.
Amazing what $7,500 (tax-funded) subsidies can do to help an industry…
Not that I wanted the industry to crash and burn, but I wish the folks who hate “welfare queens” would admit that car companies fit the term.
The $7,500 rebate for electric cars when these come out, pales to the Bush $100,000 write off for every accountant, lawyer or farmer that “needed” a Hummer.
Zombies….must eat brains.