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5 thoughts on “I like the idea of Margaret Kelliher as Minnesota’s Governer”
That advertisement actually said almost nothing of substance.
I’ve yet to see a candidate, of substance or not, win on the basis of the substance of their ads. Her web site provides her positions on all the issues for those actually concerned with details.
Minnesota was pretty good at “making jobs” for quite a while. But most of what we’ve done as a state to do so has been ruined or reversed by the policies of the current administration. So, I guess I would start with the fact that states are in competition with each other for various kinds of industries, bushiness, and classes of employees. Then, you act smartly on that basis, as opposed to how our current governor has acted.
That advertisement actually said almost nothing of substance.
I’ve yet to see a candidate, of substance or not, win on the basis of the substance of their ads. Her web site provides her positions on all the issues for those actually concerned with details.
“Can you make some jobs”?
Never sure how you “make” jobs.
Minnesota was pretty good at “making jobs” for quite a while. But most of what we’ve done as a state to do so has been ruined or reversed by the policies of the current administration. So, I guess I would start with the fact that states are in competition with each other for various kinds of industries, bushiness, and classes of employees. Then, you act smartly on that basis, as opposed to how our current governor has acted.
“i’ll serve you”
IT’S A COOKBOOK!!!111!!1!!!!111