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5 thoughts on “Strange Creatures For Real! No, Really, for Real! (Including GoatSucker Footage)”
Never a damm follow up!! DNA results, investigations, yeahh right..!! they show real news but keep people confused. To me, it’s a lab dog that escaped..or whatever. Crazy evil world filled with lies and unknowns.. juss bad and incomplete reporting. cops don’t know much at the end??, juss know how to kill out of lazyness without compassion, heartless like a dumb beast. that creature must of been scared as hell.
Canine with severe mange.
One of those naturally hairless, dark-skinned Xochi dogs.
why do they always kill them why not capture them alive.
Never a damm follow up!! DNA results, investigations, yeahh right..!! they show real news but keep people confused. To me, it’s a lab dog that escaped..or whatever. Crazy evil world filled with lies and unknowns.. juss bad and incomplete reporting. cops don’t know much at the end??, juss know how to kill out of lazyness without compassion, heartless like a dumb beast. that creature must of been scared as hell.