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So that is what it must be like to be too stupid to realize how incompetent she is…LOL
In possibly related news:
Ghost of Ronald Reagan seen rising from his tomb, re-registering as Democrat.
Pollsters call 2012 election for Obama early – “Too wide not to call”.
Taliban suspend Anti-American operations out of pity.
Oh please, Yahweh, make it so!
I don’t think it is possible to be 100% behind any personality and much less Ms. Bachmann but she is a breath of fresh air compared to most Dems who consider themselves mediaworthy.
I fail to see the “Intends to Take Over Republican Party Leadership” aspect of this. WTF?
Yes, indeed, chuck. This:
“Bachmann … is a breath of fresh air”
“I fail”
Are totally comfortable in the same breath.
I enjoy Michele’s enthusiasm but do not believe she represents the true forward looking bravado we need for the party. She is smart and incisive, but there are elements of her personality that irritate some senior conservatives. We need a bridge builder and a larger than life personality who can inspire. The Tea Party movement is essential for the future of American politics, it is truly a righteous group of Patriots who want to save the soul of America. Chuck Norris is one name that has come up and while his celebrity could hurt him, he has been writing for WND and has a solid record as a true conservative, a man of great passion. Whoever our next leader is, we need someone who is fully engaged with Sarah Palin and her advisors. Gingrich, Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity… there are many great names to choose from!
Stephenson Billings @ 6:
True, it’s just like playing Russian Roulette with a fully-loaded Colt! And if the GOP doesn’t manage to dodge all of those bullets, the remnants of its brains (meagre enough to begin with) will end up splattered all over the floor.
It won’t happen.
GOP is the Evangelical party, their buybull BS says women are to shut up and spread’em and can’t be bossing men. So how come she is allowed anywhere near them????
This is a christian nation based on christian principles, she should be getting back to the kitchen, now.
Stephenson Billings @ 6: “Limbaugh” ???????
Even McCain’s mom thinks he is a fake, and you cannot get more conservative than her.
“Chuck Norris is one name that has come up and while his celebrity could hurt him, he has been writing for WND and has a solid record as a true conservative, a man of great passion.”
Poe? Poe!