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2 thoughts on “The spill from space”
I find myself reaching for the ‘stop’ button, unfortunately, it only stops the animation.
I’m so angry about this I don’t know where to begin.
There is so much that is so wrong about everything from the way the government handled it to BP’s awful denial-and-cover-up tactics that it just numbs the mind.
At least it looks like they finally have a working cap on it that might hold until the relief wells are completed.
I find myself reaching for the ‘stop’ button, unfortunately, it only stops the animation.
I’m so angry about this I don’t know where to begin.
There is so much that is so wrong about everything from the way the government handled it to BP’s awful denial-and-cover-up tactics that it just numbs the mind.
At least it looks like they finally have a working cap on it that might hold until the relief wells are completed.