Oddly, Bill O’Reilly seems to have her on the run.
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7 thoughts on “Sarah Palin Calls for Foreign Powers to Manage American Problems”
Even O’Reilly seems normal compared to the Looney Toon Sarah Palin. I doubt she even has an IQ of 60. Her words were beyond idiotic.
Maybe Bill is smart enough to see Palin as a huge potential negative for the GOP this fall, and is doing his part to marginalize her now before she can do irreparable damage?
I was amazed when I first saw this – Palin’s stupidity never fails, and this time it managed to make Bill look smart.
Just to add to the fun, there’s a satiric poll based on this interview at the link below, asking what other countries Palin might bring in to solve our problems:
Billo also delivered a massive smackdown to Michelle Bachmann in a recent interview. Stunning…I offer three alternative explanations:
1. The GOP establishment has finally woken up to the fact that the teabaggers are about to render their party permanently unelectable, in which case these are the opening salvoes in a massive internecine struggle.
2. Billo has realized that putting know-nothings like Palin and Bachmann on his show without going for the jugular would not only mean give up being a journalist (which he did years ago), it would mean giving up any potential claim to the pretense of being a journalist.
3. Billo is even more misogynist than anybody realized up to now.
Even O’Reilly seems normal compared to the Looney Toon Sarah Palin. I doubt she even has an IQ of 60. Her words were beyond idiotic.
Maybe Bill is smart enough to see Palin as a huge potential negative for the GOP this fall, and is doing his part to marginalize her now before she can do irreparable damage?
I was amazed when I first saw this – Palin’s stupidity never fails, and this time it managed to make Bill look smart.
Just to add to the fun, there’s a satiric poll based on this interview at the link below, asking what other countries Palin might bring in to solve our problems:
She clearly has no idea what’s happening on the ground.
Unfortunately this probably won’t ignite the Dumbfuckistani Civil War just yet. >.>
I am so sick of Bill O’Reilly and the rest of the liberal media complex with their gotcha questions.
Billo also delivered a massive smackdown to Michelle Bachmann in a recent interview. Stunning…I offer three alternative explanations:
1. The GOP establishment has finally woken up to the fact that the teabaggers are about to render their party permanently unelectable, in which case these are the opening salvoes in a massive internecine struggle.
2. Billo has realized that putting know-nothings like Palin and Bachmann on his show without going for the jugular would not only mean give up being a journalist (which he did years ago), it would mean giving up any potential claim to the pretense of being a journalist.
3. Billo is even more misogynist than anybody realized up to now.