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Links to books and other items on this page and elsewhere on Greg Ladens' blog may send you to Amazon, where I am a registered affiliate. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, which helps to fund this site.
Awww, thanks! What’s the occasion? And can you tell from this video that I can out-benchpress ALL OF SCIENCEBLOGS????
I’m just trying to raise awareness of both the garbage in the ocean, and your prowess as a bench presser!
Miriam, I watched your video. Do you get paid by the number of words per minute? Slow down a bit.
Not that ocean garbage isn’t a problem, but I thought the “Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch” was somewhat of a myth…
It is not a myth. Everything said in this video is accurate, though do note that much of what is said is that we need to know more!
Nor is there anything in the GP graphic that sais that there is what Skeptoid says people say there is. In other words, Septoid seems to have made up this myth so he could bust it.
NEBOB: You think Mariam talks fast, you should see me in person…
NEBob – I usually hear that from Southerners, not from my northeastern brethren. Doesn’t everyone in NE talk fast?
Bob – Greg has pretty much covered it, but if you’re interested in more info & photos, our FAQ is linked to under my name.
Bob – There’s an issue with how people refer to the Garbage patch as an “Island”. It defiantly is not a solid, or close to a solid island. In fact, if I am not mistaken, it’s mostly smaller, broken up piece of plastic that have degraded over time due to UV light.
This could be considered worst than if it was just a bunch of plastic bottles floating around – The gyre is a big feeding are for animals that eat plankton (the plankton make it there for the same reason the plastic does). As animals eat the plastic it builds up within the animal, and then as those animals are eaten by predators they consume the plastics. We call this “biomagnfication”.
Another good organization workign on the Pacific Gyre Garbage Patch
There ARE places in the oceann where there are literally island of garbage. You can’t walk on these islands (you’d fall through) but you can’t swim through them either, safely, because it is essentially 100% floating bad icky stuff (mostly platic but also hunks of feces, dead things, whatever).
But these tend to be nearer the sources, and at the effluence of rivers, where there are smaller gyre-like surface conditions that are probably more temporary.
Like this:
After reading the linked page from Miriam, I’d like to say I stand corrected that there currently isn’t much evidence to bio-magnification and the feeding on plastics by fish (I was aware that tuna do not tend to feed in this area).
I will have to say that one of my Professors a few years back told us of a research expedition she was on in the gyre, and they had visited a Albatross breeding area and found numerous chicks dead in nest. After a necropsy it was determined that the chicks had died of malnutrition as they were found with large amounts of plastics in their bellies.