I don’t know what I want for christmas
… Or what I want to be when I grow up, or what to major in in college.
But I can write a poem with Google Search Box:
I am going crazy
I am going to die.
I am going in
I am going to be a big sister.
I am going in Spanish
I am going to die alone.
Hat Tip Science Punk
In Search of Sungudogo by Greg Laden, now in
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This really pleases me for some reason. It’s got a nice little touch of the abstract to it.
I was in fact so inspired as to write my own:
I went walking
I went across to Switzerland where all the yodelers be
I went to the woods
I went to a Chinese restaurant to buy a loaf of bread
I saw three ships
I saw a man pursuing the horizon
I saw an angel of that IĆ¢??m sure
I came back to let you know