Are you for a pro-gay marriage bill currently being considered in New Jersey or against it?
There’s a poll.
This is a tough one. PZ’ minions are making a dent but not enough. So I respectfully request all eleven of my readers to head over there and help out.
In Search of Sungudogo by Greg Laden, now in
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Yes 44% (2,764 votes)
No 56% (3,477 votes)
Total Votes: 6,241
Hey! I resent that! I know I’m #12! ;^}
We are not winning!
OK, readers 12 through 18 …. GO GO GO GO!!!!
Done! 48% yes, 52% no
I’m back! Just in time to vote and be counted.
I already voted through PZ’s blog, so I guess you’re down to 17 people. Sorry.
I voted
Yes 51% (4,184 votes)
No 49% (4,029 votes).
The Tide is Turning!
I don’t really have anything to add (though I did vote), but hey, I guess I’m your 11th reader!
I voted.
Ooo, can I be reader #12? I saw it here before PZ’s.
And you could totally beat him in an arm wrestle, Greg.
I only voted as one of PZ’s minions.
Did my part. I have a very conservative in-law in Jersey. Can’t wait to see him again. ;^}
Done and Done!
62% Yes
37% No
Fixed. It’s up to 62% Yes.
And thanks for your support, but I’m not sure I want to get married in NJ. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Done! I guess that makes me lucky 13!
Another Greg in MN
Oh well. it doesn’t matter since liberals claims polls don’t mean anything.
That is untrue. Conservatives claim polls mean something when they are in the conservative’s interest, and that they don’t mean anything when they are not in the conservative’s interest. Liberals, on the other hand, think polls mean whatever they mean, which depends on the methodology and other factors.
In other words, conservatives “believe” whatever they find politically convenient. Seriously. They do. Liberals try to understand tings.
You are probably referring to the fact that liberals often support policies that run counter to the public opinion. This is very true. Liberals do that all the time. So do Conservatives, but Liberals probably do it more often and more prominently, and more often this effects eventually turns into “legislation from the bench” when it is a liberal issue (like ending slavery and racial discrimination) and tea-party like activitiy (like the conservative position to not improve heatlh car in America).
that’s right, our popularly-elected representatives are actually going out of their way to do the opposite of what their constituents want, because that’s what wins votes. it’s a liberal conspiracy!!!!!
no hyperlink? awwww, come on…. make it easier to Vote Yes.
The Neanderthals won the day 20-14 (apologies to anthropologists who study actual Neanderthals). 🙁
Chin up! The tide is on the side of the tolerant and rational. 🙂
I don’t know Greg – since you posted it is 12thousand something, to 6thousand something…I must be reader 6,666 or something like that.
I voted from PZ’s blog. The results were running pretty dismally, I hope we have been able to ‘Laden’ the voting in the correct direction by now!
How Google is censoring groups it disagrees with.
Well, we won anyway regardless of the pointless poll.