Question with boldness even the existence of a God;

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.. because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homepage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear.

– Thomas Jefferson

Homepage of reason? Did he really say that?

Perhaps he was referring to this.

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7 thoughts on “Question with boldness even the existence of a God;

  1. I would be more impressed if the page didn’t have such a misleading caption on page 1. Any casual research in a decent library or online would quickly reveal that;
    A) the Vatican routinely signs concordats with secular governments and it usually has to do with a new or changing interaction ranging from how bishops are selected to tax status
    B)Concordats have been forged since, oh, the 11th Century
    C) The Concordat certainly did NOT “… effectively legitimiz[ed] Hitler and the Nazi government to the eyes of Catholicism, Christianity, and the world.” The Nazis were legitimized by two little somethings called the German Federal Election of 11/1932 and the parliamentary process where a bit more than 33% of Germans voted for the Nazi Party and a coalition government made Hitler Chancellor. This led to the Reichstag Fire Decree and the Enabling Act, resulting in a change in how Germany conducted foreign relations and leading to the Concordat – as well as agreements with the dozens of ambassadors from places like the USA and UK who had already been dealing with Hitler, etc.

    So, the caption gets it backwards – the Vatican needed a new Concordat because of the Nazis winning an election. Way to impress a visitor! Sure, the fact that my father writes books on German WWII history helps, but my father is also an atheist.

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